Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

- X - Scifi Horror Map For Custom NPC'S 1.10.2 DEMO

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Level 42 : Master Miner
I decided to completely overhaul an old map of mine, this time around there is a hefty mod pack (including) NPC's, terrifying new mobs, voice acting, rounded and curved textures and more is being added daily! Check back often for new updates!

Currently looking for voice actors interested in playing characters in the map. The dialogue will appear in the form of an audio recording left over by the late crew of the ship.

- X - Scifi Horror Map For Custom NPC'S 1.10.2 DEMO Minecraft Map


- X - Scifi Horror Map For Custom NPC'S 1.10.2 DEMO Minecraft Map


You are Izzy... A test subject locked up on the Van Valte; a giant spacecraft designed for scientific research and development. One night you wake up to find your cell door unlocked.. The ship is in a horrible state and all of the crew have turned into bizarre creatures. You must fight your way to the ships bridge and uncover the dark circumstances that bring you aboard the Van Valte and the nature of who and "what" you are.


Use Minecraft and Forge v1.10.2 to use modpack (recommended)


-Deadly Monsters
-Ambient Sounds
-Architecture Craft
-Better HUD
-Better Foliage
-Better FPS
-Mr. Crayfish's Furniture Mod
-Custom NPC's
-Malisis Doors
-Mob Grinding Utilities

Progress85% complete

7 Update Logs

Update #7 : by Jory42 06/28/2018 8:22:57 amJun 28th, 2018

Working on a new deck! The observation deck will be the final level before confronting the final boss!

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07/09/2018 8:24 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster System
I would absolutely love to play this, but I can't just get the mods to work! It either gets stuck in initializing the mods, or crashes completely. I should be using everything correctly, Forge version, MC version, and I've just put all the mods in the correct folder. So I don't know where I've been wrong.

Anyways, glad you liked my old Bioshock map! I looked what you have to offer and I must say it looks like some insane work right here.

If you're still looking for voice acting on any project, I'm open for it (even though I don't have any experience in it at all, however I can talk in english rather good).
07/09/2018 10:12 am
Level 42 : Master Miner
Hey, sorry about that! Not sure what's wrong. Let me check the mod folder and see if something was left out or accidentally left in. It could be a forge compatibility issue or an Optifine issue. I'll try to sort that out for you, sorry!

I'm definitely looking for voice actors for the next Geoshock Chapter, if you want to playthrough chapter one and see if it's something you'd be interested in, the link is in my projects. Thanks for reaching out! How to work with you! Cheers!
07/10/2018 3:20 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster System
BTW: I've managed to find the core of the problem. It's the DecoCraft mod you've included. Dunno what's wrong with it, but you should look into it. Everything else works (it seems) and I've managed to launch the game properly without DecoCraft.
07/10/2018 6:03 pm
Level 42 : Master Miner
Wow, I'm sorry about the crashing! Not sure why the mod pack works for me and not you.. I'll mess with the launcher and see what the deal is. My guess is it's a very specific version of Forge that is compatible with this mod pack. Once I figure the exact version I will just put a link to the right Forge download.
07/11/2018 9:34 am
Level 64 : High Grandmaster System
Yeah I think that's the best solution, also check if there are really only REQUIRED mods in the download and all are in desired versions.
07/09/2018 12:55 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster System
Hello, well from what I've seen the Forge got stuck around the "DecoCraft" mod, so idk if something's wrong with it or with Forge, maybe you should include Forge installer itself with the download (don't know if Forge allows distribution however, if not, then include a download link to the specific working version).

Here are some of my contacts where I'm active the most:
STEAM: https://steamcommunity.com/id/lordvader9911
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/adam.benes.39
OR DISCORD http://prntscr.com/k4e403 (quick screenshot of my discord info)

07/04/2018 5:47 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Pirate
looks really good.. nice work.
07/09/2018 10:13 am
Level 42 : Master Miner
Thank you kindly! 😀
01/06/2018 2:44 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Looks fun! I'll be trying this map out very soon. :)
01/06/2018 3:26 pm
Level 42 : Master Miner
Thanks! Hope you enjoy!
