Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Zeppelin mothership (Download) angel block app and contest entry

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Apimil's Avatar Apimil
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Demolitionist
Here is a big project I am on since some days. It's a mothership, a kind of giant carrier made for my invasion fleet, 'cause an invasion fleet is not credible without a mothership.
It's not finished yet because I'm not a robot, This ship is monstuous and I was looking for advices from peoples who already built ships this big
Also it is built on request from MilanDjuricanin for a project
It will also be my next angel bloc app, because I don not have time for projects this big everydays
I will put a download link when It will be 70% finished
I hope you lie it !

As a very few people minded to take part in it, this ship will als be my entry in the airship contest of team awesome http://www.planetminecraft.com/blog/team_awesome-build-off/
I hope The angel blocks won't mind if I use this build for multiple applications, I just want to help, and I put a lot of time in it.
If you want a complete description, just check the update logs
Hope you'll like it ! have fun ! :) and thanks for the 30 diamonds ! :D I still can't believe I got this much !

Additional Notes

Not zeppelin mod comptaible. 100 000 blocs+
Progress95% complete

8 Update Logs

Update #8 : by Apimil 08/21/2012 7:23:17 pmAug 21st, 2012

I made a colour pattern for the ballons on each sides. I have also added some details in the crews room and the globals interiors. I also tried to make this ship compatible with flan's mod (some of the planes had not enough freeplace for their wings. I plan to make a version of this airship totally purposed for airplanes mods.
Edit : I don't know why but I can't update the schematic now, and as I made the update log before trying, I sorry for the fail :/

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09/06/2013 8:42 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
Lurtle's Avatar
Aww sweet dock
09/02/2012 9:16 pm
Level 40 : Master Nerd
Beatfirestorm's Avatar
This looks great, your becoming the new Khanaris!
09/03/2012 5:14 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Demolitionist
Apimil's Avatar
Lol thank you :) But imo khanaris is still the best airship builder on pmc, His ships have a clean design and fit good with the steampunk look, mines are closer to the fantsay style
08/22/2012 6:22 am
Level 1 : New Miner
sjimmie110's Avatar
I want to give you 1000000 diamonds
08/22/2012 6:33 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Demolitionist
Apimil's Avatar
Haha, thank you !
08/22/2012 5:25 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Architect
orionn100's Avatar
wouuuuaaahhh !! il es magnifique celui là je l'avais pas vu !!!
apimil tu fais du beau travail !!
mais j'ai une question : utilse tu un logiciel ou tu fais ça blocs par blocs ?
dans tout les cas chapeau bas !!!!!!!!

08/22/2012 6:07 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Demolitionist
Apimil's Avatar
j'ai utilisé mc edit au début pour faire la base (un carré de bois de 200 x 150 aurait été chiant a faire a la main) sinon la plupart des autres vaisseaux amarrés dessus sont des copiés collés de que j'avais déja fait, c'est tout. tout le reste est posé bloc par bloc
08/22/2012 6:15 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Architect
orionn100's Avatar
ok faudrais que j'apprenne a utilisé mc edit alors lol !! c'est vrai que ça doit allé plus vite !
08/22/2012 6:18 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Demolitionist
Apimil's Avatar
Oui surtout que tu construit souvent des trucs symétriques, tu pourrais gagner beaucoup de temps
08/22/2012 11:25 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Architect
orionn100's Avatar
c'est pas faux !!!
