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Blue - Minecraft

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DrinkyourTeeth's Avatar DrinkyourTeeth
Level 1 : New Miner


The Administrative team consists of ZIMTY, Shazer, Josh6993 and Aprime.

The Moderation team currently consists of Brii, Zapharus10, OneCoolPenguin, Kernow and RubberDuckyy.

The Engineering Team (builder supervision) consists of Nameless023.

Honorary mentions to Ubernaut, Benmacadam, Erik_Waistintime, Darkcat12jcsalem, Adam and the Bag crew for their role, direct or indirect in this actually happening. Not only have we been able to transform our complaints and sentiments into actions, but it has resulted in clear, although perhaps temporary improvements with what we consider to be our main competitor.

The server came to be after several members of the community and staff became frustrated with the way their prior server was being administrated, thus pushing us into launching our own.

Our mission is to provide a reliable, enjoyable playing experience for crafters primarily in their late teens and beyond, devoid of cheating and unfairness. We also aim to improve of what we have learned from our experiences both playing and administrating on our former server.

Efficiency, fairness and transparency are the principles that will guide us throughout this journey, however long it may be.

Efficiency: We aim to resolve any issues with regards to maintenance as promptly as possible. We also aim to be efficient with the money we receive, extracting the best possible experience for the least amount of capital. The quality tops cost as a priority, however.

Fairness: Aside from the perks they receive upon donating, donors will be treated equally in the eyes of the law. We will not apply favoritism or unban any donors on the basis of their financial contribution to their server.

Transparency: After we receive our first non-founder donation, we will begin publishing statements to explain in detail what that money is paying for.

The Blue Code - an introduction to Blue's regulations.

  • Respect for the authority (founders and rozzers) - We're your hosts. We put time and money forward so you can enjoy yourselves. When we tell you to stop doing things, listen to us. If you wanna criticize what we do, don't insult us doing so, same goes if you make us a suggestion and we reject it.

  • Respect for the players - No one wants to read your violent poetry about player X taking over your cobble castle. We'd like to maintain a nice climate between players and if you feel the urge to show repeated disrespect towards them, it will likely earn you the loss of your chatting privileges.

  • Modded Clients - If you're one of the countless players of Minecraft with a modified client, be it you're using Zombee's mod, a minimap or a HD texture pack, let it be made known to you that we do not tolerate any modifications made to your client that could advantage you in any way during gameplay. In the case of Zombee's, for instance: the compass and map time are completely fine, but X-RAY vision, full-brightness and the likes are COMPLETELY PROHIBITED. Same goes for any minimap that actively displays where players are. Failure to respect this rule will result in an unconditional and permanent ban unless you can prove to us through an appeal that we were wrong. Use of texutre packs, so long as they don't facilitate your mining (transparency) are authorized.

  • Glitching - While we understand that some of the glitching involved in Minecraft's multiplayer aspect is an integral part of the gameplay, we reserve the right to discriminate against the use some. Specifically:

    1) Block glitching, defined as repeatedly placing blocks beneath you to gain height in places you otherwise couldn't, i.e. land claimed by an enemy faction.

    2) Door spamming, defined as spam opening a door in claimed land that isn't yours with a pressure plate on the other side of it to a point where you end up lagging through, activating the pressure plate and opening it.

    Consider anything not listed here as tolerated. Blue - Minecraft Minecraft Server

  • Spamming - chat/leave message spam gets you automatically banned. Don't attempt it or face the banhammer.

  • Arrow to the knee jokes - while we're Internet goons ourselves, A2K is a terrible meme and we don't want to see it being used.

  • Multiple accounts - Account hopping is one of the most popular sports of ban-evaders in Minecraft. For this reason alone, it is prohibited. Sharing an account? Two people playing on one is different, but try not to go /multiple-personality disorder on us.

  • Griefing - This one is tricky. So pay attention.

    While we completely understand the value of griefing on a PVP server, some of us have OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) about how clean things are. However, in an effort not to discourage players from actively engaging in wars, we will define griefing as the following.

    1) Placing lava/water falls all over the place - we're accepting of dropping lava buckets for the purpose of killing your enemies and getting through bases that are protected by a layer of water, but drowning an entire base in lava/water is unacceptable.

    2) Faction abuse - Defined as joining a faction with the sole intent of stealing its goods, leaving it once on site to kill its members, repeatedly dying to drain down the faction's power or destroying its facilities. The same applies to faction owners trying to get people to join them only to kick them out and steal their goods. Let me be clear however, this definition does not prohibit alliance breakups/betrayals or members from parting with their factions and whatnot. This rule was designed to avoid driving out neophytes.

    What is NOT considered griefing and why protecting your work is your responsibility:

    1) TNT bombardment to penetrate closed bases.
    2) Setting [faction] wooden structures on fire.
    3) Dismantling structures, grinders with the purpose of collecting the resources it was made with. Chances are, if you're deconstructing something made out of stone, it won't fly with us.

    Each player has been allocated up to 15 chunks (16x128y16z) of land, claiming land protects it from all but TNT damage. It is your responsibility to claim and protect your contraptions. With regards to Factions with a Building Grant, it's their responsibility to manage their chunks efficiently and request assistance for safe-zoning.

  • Builder Grant abuse - This rule is specific to factions receiving building grants. You have gained your status (peaceful faction) solely so you could build a collective project. Engaging in other side business, such as bombarding your foes while this grant has been given to you is STRICTLY PROHIBITED and will result in a FACTION WIDE DISBAND as well as the ceasing of your goods and any advantages given to you. As for people within the faction who are entrusted with creative building rights (highly unlikely), if it has been found that they have been using their position to advantage themselves in gameplay, you will face the same consequences.

  • Rozzer Brutality (power abuse) - We're actually bloody serious about this. If it has been found that a Rozzer (moderator) or Administrator has been abusing his power to favor his position in the game, varying punishment will ensue and his victim(s) will be credited accordingly. This section does not cover appealed bans, however, consider that the same applies abusive bans, mutes and whatnot.

  • Repeated and unwarranted reporting/accusations - AKA report abuse. We don't want to see people repeatedly calling out other players for cheating when they're getting raided unless they have proof of it. We will of course verify nocheat reports with our logs if we suspect a claim is warranted, but you're not gonna get ahead in this server by saying everyone cheats and such.

That's great and all, but I've got other questions.

(credit goes to Tagger, slight modifications by myself).

Q: Where can I build?

A: Any chunk that says ~Wilderness (or ~) is a place that you can build on. It is recommended you build as far away from spawn as possible to reduce the likelihood of being the victim of raiding.

Q: How can I protect my home?

A: Be in a faction and claim the land to help prevent people without factions or in another faction from burning your base. Claiming land will prevent members of other factions from building, using chests, doors, trapdoors and similar items. Claiming land does not prevent the use of pressure plate-activated redstone circuits. Buttons and levers (along with their circuitry) are protected, however!

Q: How do I make/join a faction?

A: If you don't know, it's recommended you go through the Faction Help files, use /f help in-game to get most of your answers. To create a faction, the command is /f create factionname. Expect skepticism if you are new to the server because people don't want their base griefed either.

Q: Can I protect things in my faction from other members in my faction?

A: Yes. You must be the admin of your faction and to do this you give ownership of the land. Normal faction members will only be able to do things on land they own or partially own. Faction admins can do things on any faction land.

Q: Are there any towns?

A: There is only Spawn Town which has a lot of functions. However, if you want to build a new town and the admins/Engineers approve of it, they can make it a safe zone to make it a town. More on Builder grants later.

Q: Can I be a staff member?

A: You cannot become an admin but you can apply to be a moderator (Rozzer). We are currently not recruiting more mods, however, if you think you would be a great addition then contact a mod who can discuss it with the rest of the staff. Be advised that you must be 18 or older to be a mod.

Q: What is the Memorial Market Gold Store (and other stores in other villages)

A: At the gold store you can buy and sell an infinite amount of certain materials, as long as you have enough gold ingots. Some of the more commonly used materials have automatic chests that can be used at any time (instructions are in the gold store). If you would like to buy something that isno t in the gold store then an admin will be happy to trade with you for the right price. You can now also sell a few items to the gold store so empty those chests of cobble and dirt and by yourself something nice!

Q: What is the Doubler?

A: The Doubler is a useful tool for gaining more diamond and gold. You can deposit blocks, not ingots, into the Doubler and in one week your gold will double, and in two your diamond will double. You must keep track of your deposits and when the doubling period ends, you must withdraw your principal or re-double. Deposits left idle for more than a month will be auctioned of to players.

Q: What are Donor Vaults?

A: Donor vaults are private chests awarded to donators. These vaults dono t require a staff member to be online to access. Vaults have a beginning space of two doublechests, more is added depending on your donation package.

Q: Can I swear?

A: F**k yes, but no racial slurs and mind the fact that not all the users are your age (assuming only adults swear, lol) - you also have to 'work' within the bounds of the respect rules.

Q: Is it legal to give out base coordinates?

A: Yes, but don't expect a lot of trust to come your way if people find out that you are giving them out.

Q: What is the border for the map?

A: The current border is near the 8000+/- (X and Z axis) mark so there is lots of land to explore!

Q: Who hosts Blue?

A: LethalDrive.

Q: What are the server's specifications?

Intel Xeon Quad-Core Sandy Bridge E3-1270 @ 3.4ghz
16GB Hynix DDR3-1333 ECC Registered RAM
Adaptec 5405Z RAID Card with Battery Backup Unit
4x WD Caviar RE4 500GB HDDs in RAID-10

Intel PRO/1000 NIC @ 1000mbit

*** 2 GB dedicated to our server.

Q: Where is the server located?

A: Chicago, Illinois - United States of America. Server time is GMT-6.

Q: What are your operating costs?

A: Currently $40.00 US per month. Any contribution you make to the server will be used to keep it up and improve the hardware. This is not a for-profit operation.

Facts on our Factions setup.

Each player is allowed a maximum of 15 chunks of land and a power drain of -15.

You can only claim land if your faction has more than one member.

Each death is counts as a loss of 3 power points. The power regeneration rate is 0.35 per minute.

A player that doesn't not login on a daily basis loses 0.5 to a maximum of 5 points.

Additional Notes

24/7 | Survival - Factions - Gold Store - SEMI-VANILLA | Located in CHICAGO | We even have our own texture pack!

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01/11/2012 9:42 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Mage
Masone23's Avatar
This is not a vanilla server. Don't say it is
01/12/2012 9:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DrinkyourTeeth's Avatar
I said SEMI-vanilla.
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