Minecraft Servers


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rauyran's Avatar rauyran
Level 1 : New Miner
Status Offline Pinged: 03/28/24
United Kingdom
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Bridgendale is a Minecraft survival build server. We're trying to create a server full of beautiful themed builds with all gathering and construction done in survival mode.

Our forum is at http://bridgendale.com/ and the world maps are at http://maps.bridgendale.com/

Who Are The Admins?

rauyran - Owner
freyadavis - CEO and Admin

How Do I Join?

Our server address is mc.bridgendale.com

We don't operate a whitelist, but when you first join you don't have many permissions or commands. You have to earn the community's trust to get promoted to a regular player. See below about ranks and cool points. Make sure you join the forum at bridgendale.com/ and introduce yourself.

We aim to create a friendly atmosphere so anybody who joins to be offensive or abusive should expect a permaban.

What Worlds Are There?

Bridgendale is the name of the main world and it's where all permanent building is done. Most of the world is protected so you can only build in special building zones. The main world map is custom generated and will be expanded with new areas as the server grows and we need more building space.

The Wilderness is a standard resource gathering world which is used to find the materials needed to build in the main world. You can build and mine anywhere you like in this world, except at the spawn point. Every few months the Wilderness gets replaced with a new world with a new seed to replenish the stocks of resources.

We also have a Creative world for builder rank and above. This is a free-build world and players have a separate inventory so nothing can be spawned in creative and used in the main world.

We plan to add a Contest world for building contests.

What is a Building Zone?

A building zone is a region in the main world where building is allowed. Each zone has a theme and all builds in that zone must keep to the theme or they will be removed. Zones also have a rank requirement: some zones are available for all regular players, but some are only available to players of a higher rank.

Anyone with the right rank can build in a building zone and as long as it's within the theme and not disrupting other people's builds then you can build whatever you like. You can protect your build using signs (see below). Abuses of this system will result in deranking and in extreme cases the player can be banned.

Everyone is free to explore the builds in any zone.

What are Ranks and Cool Points?

Each player on the server has a rank based on their reputation. The longer you have been on the server and the more respect you have earned from other players, the higher your rank. We use a system of Cool Points to keep track of reputation. Every day that you log on to the server you earn a Cool Point. You can either keep that point or gift it to another player as a reward for doing something cool such as a good build or helping you out. When you have collected enough Cool Points you can apply for a higher rank in the Promotions forum. To get awarded a higher rank you have to have earned enough Cool Points and also convince the rest of the community that you deserve the extra privileges the higher rank gives.

Cool points can also be awarded by admins as a reward for helping out and as prizes in competitions. They can also be taken away for bad behaviour.

  • Visitor - the lowest rank, everyone starts here. Very few permissions, cannot build anywhere in the main world.
  • Regular - the most common rank, allows the player to build in the main world and gives access to more commands. Needs at least 6 cool points.
  • Builder - allows access to the creative world, and also to more commands such as flying in the main world. Needs at least 40 cool points.Artisan- allows access to more building zones and to basic teleport commands. Needs at least 100 cool points.
  • Architect - allows access to the more advanced building zones. Needs at least 200 cool points.
  • Elite - the top rank for the most trusted community members. Allows use of basic terraforming tools in main world and some worldedit in creative. Needs at least 500 cool points.

As time goes on we will increase the number of cool points needed for each rank.

Additional Notes

Bridgendale is a Minecraft server where we aim to create beautiful themed builds with all gathering and construction done in survival mode.

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06/14/2013 9:08 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Puskins123's Avatar
Could you give PartyPixel Regular?
And julianheidbuurt also
06/14/2013 9:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
rauyran's Avatar
Will do once they have been playing for a couple of days
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