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Colonizing Kapita

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cam246's Avatar cam246
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Colonizing Kapita
Status Offline Pinged: 03/28/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Website: www.colonizingkapita.com

IP: mc.colonizingkapita.com

Hello, fellow Minecrafters! I, Cam, bring you "Colonizing Kapita", a casual role-play economy server. The server has been roughly up for a year now, and is looking for more people to hop on and play.

Again, Colonizing Kapita is a casual role-play economy server. By economy, its simply work for your money, and in a way, rise to power. In the Land of Kapita, players spawn in at our hub, and from there choose 2 professions and a town they would like to live in. Currently, there are three towns, Rhotar, Valhalla, and Orous. Each town has its own theme, in a way. Once youve chosen your town, players can buy or build a house, and from there, start a business, go on adventures, pretty much do whatever.


Many, many years ago, the Empire of what was then known as Taren was situated on a continent known as Valcia. Valcia had been inhabited by races of all sorts for many years, and as the years, decades, and centuries went by, the inhabitants grew, formed tribes, villages, towns, and kingdoms.

The Taren Empire was situated in the west of Valcia, providing them an advantage of harbors, bays, and ports, which brought in a lot of imports, and allowed them to export whatever they made, bringing the empire lots, and lots of money. With this, slowly the Taren Empire grew greedy. As the riches poured in, their military might grew stronger, and rapidly. With this, the Taren Empire dispatched troops into the wilderness, and seized control of whatever they could, enslaving entire tribes, pillaging villages, and so on.

For two decades, citizens of the empire lived in harsh conditions. The Emperor at the time, Rahlay, was a young, totalitarian leader, who didnt do much leading himself, and instead had the military general take control, but not full control. With the military leader being somewhat in charge, he placed strict laws throughout the land making it hard for citizens to do anything freely.

As the empire grew, resources and materials nearby were consumed. With this, the General and Emperor set up a fleet of ships to go on an expedition in search of new land and more resources.

Months went by, and the expedition had seen nothing. They were slowly running out of food, and only had about a week left, or theyd all starve. Three days of rations down, and they had spotted land.

The Taren Empire decided to name the new land Kapita, and with it, built three towns. These three towns, known as Varsteel, Lyndel, and Karento, were built in different areas, and all had different roles. Varsteel, a mining and farming town, Lyndel, essential for its lumber and construction, and Karento, another center for mining, and other building supplies.

With these new colonies, the Taren Empires military was dispatched to the new land, and seized control quickly, and effectively. No one fought back, as they were too scared to. Along with the military, came more harsh laws, as there wasnt much of a force to settle things. Slowly Kapitans became enraged with these laws, and the way they were being treated. One by one riots broke out, and the people were fighting back, on Kapita, and even back on Valcia.

Luckily, the Kapitans managed to break away from the military, and they fled their towns, and headed east. They went for weeks and weeks, never stopping, until around two months later, when their numbers almost reduced by half, they decided to settle down. Now, there are three towns by the name of Orous, Rhotar, and Valhalla. Each town is ruled by a mayor, and now live in peace.


Anyone who breaks the following rules from this server, will be punished with jail time. Repeated rule breaking will result in banning.

This server is here to have fun, but at the same time it must have order. The following info will help describe some of the rules for playing. Thanks!

Before we go any further, let me give an example of how the game works:

Dirt, Sand, and Gravel can be dug by anyone who needs to flatten out an area for their profession, so farmers can move dirt or sand to make flat fields and water irrigation alleys.

That does not mean that anyone can go dig a massive pit, be reasonable.

So if you were a farmer and wanted to dig a patch of dirt to farm on, that is ok. A farmer would not be able to mine the rock, if he managed to hit it, which would be the miners job. the farmer would also not be able to build anything on the farm other than his field to plant crops in (A farmer can also buy a bucket from a blacksmith to carry water and irrigate crops).

A farmer would need to then pay a builder to build the farmhouse, barn, fences, etc. The builder would need to get the rock & wood needed to build from the miners and woodcutters who would sell it to him. Then a person could travel to the other towns, and sell the wood to the people there for 3 gold. Then the builder would charge 2 gold to use the wood to make a fence around the farmers field and 8 gold to build a small home for the farmer.

It is my hope that this will bring a fun new economy to this minecraft server. But remember we will be monitoring this and any cheaters will be punished, as Iprofessions cannot deter all the cheaters. Also keep in mind that those values given for prices were only guesses, everyone sets their own prices, and determines the economy that way. Dont sell for too low, or you wont make much money.


Here are some FAQs we get, and some more in depth on certain rules:

1) Whats the currency? – The currency is gold, such as gold ingots (gi), gold nuggets (gn), and gold blocks (gb). Gold is minable by miners, but not able to be smelted by them, which is a blacksmiths job. People might think this would produce an economy with rich miners and blacksmiths. They will have more gold than other players at the start, but since they need other services and the players choose their prices for said services then the economy balances itself out. (ex. Miner has 100 gold, so a builder charges 20 gold more than usual to build a home due to the higher amount of money now in play by the miner) A person at the start of joining the server will be given 20 gold. The amount this is worth is up to everyone else who determines the prices for their services.

2) Do I have to follow the profession rules? – Short answer is yes. You need to play along with the rules and respect other peoples jobs.

3.) What happens when I die and lose all my stuff? – Well sorry about that, pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and start again.

4) I want to change professions!? – Your first professions change will cost 15gi to do and you will have to do it when an admin is online (or you can contact one throught the email). Your second profession change will be 30gi, and your third 50gi. After the third you are no longer allowed to change professions.

5) Do I have to live in town? – Yes. The towns are centers of trade and commerce and will not develop if people do not move in there to begin with.

6) I really had to make something, so I made it, is this ok? – No. Absolutely not. This would ruin the economy and make some professions useless. Everyone needs to work together in order to accomplish tasks, which should make this last longer and keep people entertained. Doing this will first result in a warning, and then second will be a temporary ban, and then finally a permanent ban from the server.

7) I have a question I am not sure about? – Ask (the owner) Cam246, Amarigen, Frank7697 and Ishot2drop about anything you are not sure about. We will answer anything.

8) Can I dig dirt or sand up? - Dirt, Sand, and Gravel can be dug by anyone who needs to flatten out an area for their profession, so farmers can move dirt or sand to make flat fields and water irrigation alleys. That does not mean that anyone can go dig a massive pit, be reasonable, or you will be punished

9) Who makes the torches, sticks, etc? - Anyone can make torches, sticks. A person can make their own torches, but they would have to buy the wood and coal needed to make them if their profession did not allow them to gather it.

10) I think I did something bad, but its not listed on the rules, so it must be ok, right? - What do you think? Of course not, and even if its not specifically listed on the rules in bold and underlined text does not mean that you can go ahead and do it anyway. Dont reword the rules to fit what you want to do. Ex. Just because you are a farmer does not mean you can farm other peoples field, that would be stealing.

11) PVP is on, can I kill people? - No, If you kill a person you will be banned.

12) I encounter glitches or bugs on the server - Ok, post it on our forums and let us know about it there. Please do not bother us or spam chat in-game with issues like this.

13) I had a fight with another player, there are no admins on and the person stole my money, what should I do? - Wait for an admin, or send an email tosupport@colonizingkapita.com .DO NOT take punishing this person into your own hands. Punishment will be handed out by the admins and you will get your stuff back, so be patient and wait.

14) Are there faction wars? - No the 3 towns are at peace with each other.

15) Im planning on making a town, so is it ok to start building it even though I dont have the money? - Nope! You may survey the land, but you may not be able to start construction of a town without having the money do so before.

16) I dont want to live in a town, and I dont want to make one, is it ok to go live out in the wild? Or go make an island just for me?- This one goes with number 5 and 15, so no you may not go live out in the wild, nor go make an island home. No exceptions!

17) I have the money to make my own town! Is it ok for me to go make one up in the sky?- Short answer, sorry you cant. All townships must be made in the normal world (so no nether/end) and on the natural land

17)A) So is it ok to make a town out in the middle of the ocean?- For this one it is both a yes and no. You may not go out in the ocean and make a bunch of connecting platforms with no "natural land". If you find a Island way out there however, it is natural land, so you would then be able to make a town on that.

18) My Question is not here! - Send us an email! (which is below) or ask on these forums!


1) No breaking the rules above
2) No greifing
3) No disrespecting other players or admins. If an admin tells you not to do something, dont do it.
4) Swearing is ok, just dont get to colorful, this is an adult atmosphere.
5) No cheats/hacks
7) Build things that look nice, mine in a clean way, farm in neat rows, etc. I.E. Dont make the towns look ugly. If you are not good at building nice looking homes, dont be a builder.
8) No Lava buckets for anything other than power.
9) No Traps.
10) Have Fun; Follow the rules, Everyone Has Fun!
11) If it is not listed on the rules, but you think it would be bad/ruin the game atmosphere, dont do it. Or ask!!
12) No Chat spamming
13) No Stealing from other players. (a person cannot pick up another persons things upon death. If you do pick them up, please return the persons items)
14) Cut down trees all the way, Clean up structures you use to get around, and keep the world looking nice. I can see who places things or does not cut a tree all the way, and you will be talked to/punished for not following the rules.


In order to join the server, you need to sign up on our website, www.colonizingkapita.com, and register. Upon registering, look for the "Join Website" button at the top, or center of the page. Once youve clicked it, you will automatically be whitelisted, and you may then play on our server.

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