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ConquestPVP: Roleplaying/24/7/Heroes/Citizens/Custom Maps/Hunger Games/Apocalypse world!

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ConquestPVP's Avatar ConquestPVP
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
ConquestPVP: Roleplaying/24/7/Heroes/Citizens/Custom Maps/Hunger Games/Apocalypse world!
Status Offline Pinged: 03/20/24
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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[b][u][LEFT] [/LEFT][/u][/b]
[b][u][LEFT]Hello everyone, I'm the representative of ConquestPVP for KoM. What is ConquestPVP? Well, it's a Role Playing server that aims to be a little different than all the others. To start off, we will not be using [B]McMMO[/B] in any way, shape, or form. Instead we will be using [B][URL='dev.bukkit.org/server-mods/heroes/']Heroes[/URL] [/B]to let players become more immersed in the world. Anyway, without further ado, here is the story that has been written for the current map, this may change and be edited at any time do to map change/updates to the story.[/LEFT][/u][/b]
[b][u][CENTER][U][B]The Birth Of A Hero[/B][/U][/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][COLOR=gray][COLOR=black][COLOR=grey]For years now your people have lived in fear and persecution under the rule of the testificates. Ito s unknown where they came from, or what they wanted. All that is known is that theyo re ruthless, brutal, cold and mostly emotionless. They seem to care only for land, work and mating. Your name is Steve; you used to be a Miner at Eldersblood Peak. You were one of the best, you still are. Your talents are wasting away nowadays though, on account of rotting in jail. You were thrown in jail for rebelling against the testificates rule, refusing to work for them. You managed to kill a few of them before you were overpowered and beaten within an inch of your life.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/u][/b]
[b][u][COLOR=gray][COLOR=gray][COLOR=gray]You awake, sore, confused and bloody in your small prison cell, the irony of rotting behind the bars made from the iron you mined. That was weeks ago nowo ¦you are weak now, most of your muscle mass has gone and your near skeletal from lack of food. Today was different however, today presented an opportunity that had never been presented before. The guard that normally was extremely careful dropped the cell keys in front of your cell before entering his office! This was your only chance, and you intended to take it. Breaking a leg off from the only chair you had, you drug the keys closer to you and pocketed them. You had to wait until the guard dozed off before you made your move, or else this would all be in vain. Finally, around midnight the guard finally knocked off from a combination of ale and pork. You silently slid the key into the hole and released the lock. You gently pulled open the door and quietly tip-toed off. Your fellow inmates noticing your attempt at escape pleaded for you to release them. This was also an opportunity to good to resist, you planned to escape by sea, but what good is a ship without a crew? You silently released each prisoner one by one, eventually when they were all free you gathered near the guardso office. You were chosen to knock him out for good and take his iron sword, which hilt was spattered in blood from executions and beatings. You quickly overpowered him despite being so weak; he wasno t much of a match for you now that you wereno t in chains. You knew this was just the beginning though, once you hit the prison grounds, the Redstone alarms would sound and every testificate guard on the island would come running. All you had was a slightly rusty iron sword and 10 very weak men. The odds wereno t in your favor, but this was your only chance. If you turned back now all you would face is execution.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/u][/b]
[b][u][COLOR=gray][COLOR=gray][COLOR=gray]As you and your men crept onto the ground, as if on cue the alarms sounded. o RUN MEN, TO THE DOCKS!!o you commanded, panicked. You ran, as fast as you could through a barrage of arrows from the guard towers. The thought of freedom and the pure adrenaline was all that kept you on your feet. Two of your men were hit by arrows and quickly finished off by the testificate swat guards, armed with diamond armor and magical swords. You never really understand true fear until you watch your friends slaughtered by a flaming sword. As you hit the piers you could hear the thunder of 50+ guards behind you, you had to act fast. The 8 remaining men turned to you, as if you knew the solution. In a panic you shouted o The Blue Dragon boys! Sheo s the only vessels fast enough to escape the guard boats, GO, GO, GO!!!o [/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/u][/b]
[b][u][COLOR=gray][COLOR=gray][COLOR=gray]Your men thundered on board, you ordered them to raise the boarding plank as quickly as they could. Making a mad dash for the captainso wheel as the men raised the sails; you begin to leave the docks. As you began to leave the pier, arrows hailed against your boat, tearing holes in the sails. As the men ducked and ran to avoid the hail of arrows, you crashed the boat through one of the docks in a mad dash to turn the boat. With the wood flying everywhere, arrows whooshing by your heard, shrapnel from cannons being fired, this was chaos. With a final push of the sails you gained enough speed to create a forward momentum and sailed away as fast as you could. But, at the edge of the harbor you were struck in the back by a sniper stationed at the dock towers! Everything went hot, and you collapsed. Blood pouring from your back, you blacked out.[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/u][/b]

[b][u][LEFT][COLOR=gray][COLOR=gray][COLOR=gray]Days later you awakened in the captaino s quarters of the boat, bandaged and sore. Looking around, you assumed someone must have taken the wheel and you had successfully escaped. But, where were we docked? You couldno t hear the sway of the ship against the waves. You gathered your strength and pushed open the door. You were greeted by an armed guard, whom seemed surprised. He said to you simply, o Weo re glad youo re okay, your men are waiting for you. Welcome to Drasil!o You looked over the edge of the ship to see a small, but quaint shore town. You slowly made your way off the ship and took your first steps into Drasil, a part of you knew this was just the beginning of your hardshipso ¦[/COLOR][/COLOR][/COLOR][/LEFT][/u][/b]

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[b][u][CENTER][SIZE=5][COLOR=red]Note, this is a mix of an RP/PVP server, raiding and PVP is allowed, greifing is not. If you see a greifer, please take a screenshot/record a video and report it to us. (Minor greifing is allowed to get to goods, such as chests.)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][CENTER][SIZE=5][COLOR=red]Co-Owners/Mods are regular players, do not get mad if you are killed by one, they're allowed to have fun to. If you believe a staff member is abusing his powers to have an unfair advantage, please report it to me, [USER=84988]Snear[/USER], or Zeref.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][CENTER][SIZE=5][COLOR=red]If you believe a regular player is using a client/unfair mods, please try to have legitimate proof before reporting, if you have no proof the report will be ignored.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][CENTER][SIZE=5][COLOR=red]Do not [U][B][I]ever[/I][/B][/U] ask for mod/admin, if we want you to have a staff position we will approach you with an offer. Failing to comply with this rule will result in a 6 hour mute.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][CENTER][SIZE=5][U][B]More in-game, as well as how to become a full fledged member of ConquestPVP![/B][/U][/SIZE][/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][CENTER] [/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][CENTER]Notable plugins -[/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][*][CENTER]Owner: Zeref[/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][*][CENTER]Co-Owner 1#: TheMidnightWings (Me)[/u][/b]
[b][u]Co-Owner 2#: [USER=84988]Snear[/USER] (Representing the Walrus race!)[/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][*][CENTER]Mod: DarkAngel910[/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u]Current custom map: [URL='www.planetminecraft.com/project/125-ready-skylia-island---skyrim-inspired-custom-terrain-with-cinematic-ores-caves-etc/']Skylian [/URL]an amazing Skyrim themed map![/u][/b]
[b][u][CENTER] [/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][CENTER]If you have any questions, complaints, reviews, etc... please PM me or post in the thread.[/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][CENTER] [/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][CENTER]Catch a cheater? Report him in the [URL='kingsofminecraft.com/board/forums/report-a-player.98/']reports section of the forums[/URL] and tag me or [USER=84988]Snear[/USER] in the post so we see it![/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][CENTER] [/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][CENTER]Do you want ConquestPVP to stay around? Please consider donating if so, it helps the server live! :3[/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][CENTER] [/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][CENTER]Donators receive special commands, items and peaceful faction status! (If they want it!)[/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][CENTER] [/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][CENTER]Does the server look odd/ugly to you? Then be sure to check out our [URL='www.mediafire.com/download.php?mu87uobwfqw7ns1']official custom texture pack[/URL]! It is a custom version of Dokucraft light, the password to the download is[U][B] ConquestPVP[/B][/U]. (Caps sensitive)[/CENTER][/u][/b]
[b][u][CENTER] [/CENTER][/u][/b]

[b][u][CENTER][URL='www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=CFG9HYTMPYSK2&lc=US&item_name=ConquestPVP&currency_code=USD&bn=PP%2dDonationsBF%3abtn_donateCC_LG%2egif%3aNonHosted'] [IMG]i.imgur.com/jMG84.png[/IMG] [/URL][/CENTER][/u][/b]

[b][u][CENTER][COLOR=red][B][SIZE=6]IP: conquestpvp.us.to[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR][/CENTER][/u][/b][/center][h3]Additional Notes[/h3]This server is currently new, we are still under constant development!
CreditPlease note that this is a PVP server. For further information ask on the server.

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07/02/2012 9:23 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
Jeffrey_Vermulm's Avatar
fix ur damned page
06/29/2012 4:12 am
Level 12 : Journeyman Dragon
DragonKillers1's Avatar
Great Server. Diamond for you :D
Planet Minecraft


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