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tonyjrj's Avatar tonyjrj
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Status Offline Pinged: 10/25/23
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Welcome to the wintery town of SnowHold, where you as a peasant and grow to maybe one day become a King yourself. SnowHold is a small town in the Northern part of Elantria, with ice and snow as far as the eye can see there is much work to be done in order for the colony to survive and thrive, and it all depends on you. There are several different jobs you can choose in order to help your fellow townspeople live in splendor:

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Your job is how you earn money, if you are a laborer you earn your money by selling things to Shop Keepers either directly or through signs. Shopkeepers earn their money by buying things and then selling them for higher prices.

1. Guards

As a SnowHold Guard it is your responsibility to keep the town free of pesky mobs and troublemakers.

A Guard is paid by selling mob drops and earning small amounts of gold from the general.

2. Fisherman

Because of the fact that SnowHold is situated in the frozen North, a Fisherman must take the mine cart track all the way south to the Jungle in order to work. Due to this, fish are quite a rare delicacy in SnowHold.

Fishermen are paid by the amount of fish that they yield after selling them in town.

3. Woodsman

There is high demand for lumber in the snowy town of SnowHold, as fuel for fireplaces and a very common building material. As a Woodsman, it is your job to chop the trees and supply the town.

A Woodsman is paid by the amount of logs he/she sells in town.

4. Miner

A SnowHold Miner is the supplier of all minerals and ores. Coal is an excellent source of fuel, and ores can be sold to Blacksmiths or Guards for armor and tools.

Due to the fact that mining requires a lot of luck, a Miner is paid by selling their findings.

5. Farmer

As a Farmer your job is to harvest food, whether it is from the ground (wheat, melons and mushrooms) or it is from livestock (pigs, cows and chickens). You supply the townsfolk with a hardy meal any time of the day.

A Farmer is paid based on their sales in the farmer's market.

6. Builder

A Builder in SnowHold may not have the most business, but they are always very important! They take different build orders from people as well as work hard to repair the town after nights of creeper bombardments!

A builder is paid directly by those who require their building skills, or if they have a job from the town they will get paid.

7. Shop Keeper

A SnowHold Shop Keeper can own one shop in town, purchasing a shop requires money however, which means you must choose one of the other jobs prior to becoming a Shop Keeper. When you are a Shop Keeper, you may only purchase items from the President of each profession.

A Shop Keeper only makes money based on how much they sell, they have no other means of making a profit.

There are a couple different kinds of sub sections for Shop Keepers:

Blacksmith: Sells different kinds of armor, tools and weapons as well as metals.
Carpenter: Sells wood and wood products.
Chef: Sells cooked meats.
Baker: Sells baked goods.
Alchemist: Sells potions of all different sorts.
Huntsman: Sells leather armors and hunting weapons (bows, arrows and fishing rods)

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Depending on the race you choose, you gain an advantage in certain skills (10 extra levels in MCMMO). Races also affect the way that you interact with other players on the server, make sure to read the races history in order to see who you may hold a grudge against.

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For centuries man has been able to thrive in the most extreme conditions, a rather tenacious and well rounded race. Since the earliest days of Elantria, humans have always been very controlling of the world around them, often starting towns themselves and tearing through nature to push civilization and development much further. They often rely on building farms to survive; you very rarely see a Human living by himself.

Ever since King Ivan fell in the war between Khagorans and Humans, there has been much mistrust between the two races. Since the war however, the races have signed a treaty to keep the peace, but that doesno t mean that Humans trust the Khagorans, and vice versa.

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As an Elf in SnowHold life is not always easy, Elves come from much warmer temperatures and are sometimes uncomfortable in the cold. Following the Kings untimely death there was much tension between Humans and Khagorans, due to how wise Elven leaders are, they began to emerge and become more prominent in royal affairs. Elves started moving into towns and becoming better known.

Elves are normally quite calm and collected, but since the beginning of time they have not been in agreement with the Dwarven colonies. The tension is caused greatly by the arguments between elders of both races, commonly regarding destruction of territory and living arrangements.

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Dwarves are often well known for being stubborn but cheery, they will usually be found within SnowHoldo s tavern! While usually staying underground; like the Elves when the tension rose after the fall of the King, Dwarven kings and elders came to the surface to help organize the issues. Dwarves became well recognized for their ability to mine much more efficiently than other races, and they began to move into towns helping the towns grow.

Due to how stubborn the Dwarves are, throughout all of history they did not sit well with the ideals of Elves. How they lived, where they lived, and so on. Normally this was not a big deal because they rarely saw one another, but now that they live among each other, over hearing a heated argument among them is not uncommon.

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Most commonly revered as the calmest most laid back race of all, Halflings live in peace being lazy whenever possible. Being one of the very first Races in Elantria, Halflings are often looked at as being some of the wisest creatures in the land. They have never been at war with any other race, and they are often seen telling stories at the local tavern.

Halflings get along with all other races!

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The Khagorans are a race of lizard people found commonly in subtropical areas, they are known for being great melee brawlers as well as having great navigational skills. The Khagorans are extremely hot headed, when King Ivan suggested to the Khagorans that their territory be shared, they proclaimed war on the Humans. After a three year battle it ended with King Ivan being slain in his throne by a Khagoran warrior.

The Khagorans then signed a treaty to stop the war with Humans, but they continue to have trust issues with them. When passing one another in the streets they never turn their back to one another.

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Out of Character:

IGN: [Minecraft account name.]
Time zone: [What is your time zone?]
RP Experience: [Have you RPo ed before?]

In Character:

Name: [Your characters name, first and last.]
Age: [Your characters age. Max ages: Humans 80, Elves 250, Dwarves 120, Halflings 90, and Khagorans 170.]
Gender: [Male or Female]
Race: [One of the five possible races.]
Desired Job: [The job you wish to have, if you dono t have a preference, write o Anyo .]
Back Story: [Your characters lore, at least 5 sentences long. Be creative!]

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  • No Griefing

Do NOT break others things inside of SnowHold or at any of its settlements (Lumber Lodge, Fishing Docks). No griefing PERIOD
  • No Hacking

This means no X-ray, Fly mod, or any other mod that would give you advantage over other players and make the game unfair.
  • No Exploits

No teleporting out of a battle, making mob traps in order to grind skills or using any plug-in exploits to ruin the game for others.
  • Keep with the Theme

Do NOT build anything that does not fit the o Medievalo theme. No floating buildings, mass auto-farming machines, etc. This also means have a skin that is relevant to your character.
  • Respect

Fairly obvious, make sure to respect Admino s, Modo s and of course your fellow players. We are all here to have a good time. This doesno t apply however to the way you treat other races in an RP style (check race descriptions for your selected races feelings towards another race).
  • Role Play

Always remember this is a Role-play server, stay in character at all times, and dono t talk in chat out of character. If you have a question, complaint or suggestion, send a message in game using the /msg function!

This is the texture pack that we used to build the server!


Additional Notes

A Full Town based PvP server, Whitelisted and very mature. Pretty new and looking for great roleplayers!

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10/10/2012 5:09 pm
Level 27 : Expert Artist
Keg1313's Avatar
IGN: Keg1313

Time zone: North West USA

RP Experience: In fact, I have been
roleplaying for, about two or three years. I did join a minecraft rp server
once, but it is no longer on. I role play alot on the one website.

I don't know if you've heard if me, I'm "Chocolate~Pyrus")

In Character:

Name: [Claudia Morret]

Age: [58-ish]

Gender: [Female]

Race: [Elf]

Desired Job: [Guard/Protector/Body Guard]

Back Story: [Young Claudia, and daughter to a beautiful author, and a strong
warrior, was on her way to the Great City of Elantria with her parents. They
had brought with them only what provisions they needed and two of their best
horses. It was a long but peaceful trip. Besides the cold, they were fine.
Claudia sung a merry tune on the way and her mother read to her when they
rested. But when they were but a mile or two from the city, they were attacked
by thugs. They beat Claudia's father until he collapsed. Then, the thugs pulled
them off their horse and started to beat her mother. They looted what they had
and the bandits dragged her mother off and out of view. The twelve year old
Claudia was then raped by a old thug, who stayed behind while the others left.
The bandit did not stop until Claudia's father had awoken and smashed a rock against
his head. Then, her father picked her up and ran as fast as his long legs could
carry him. They stayed with an old elf couple until they had bought a bigger,
better house to live in. Claudia's father was a knight for many years until he
had caught an infection in a wound he had gotten and died. Claudia had much
money left over, and a fairly large house for her alone. She became a guard
shortly after her father's demise. She also lost her right ear while she was
dueling a fellow knight.]

A picture of her, not in minecraft:


The skin will be finished momentarily.
08/29/2012 10:24 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Princess
very_berry's Avatar
people, the admin dont check the apps on here anymore, go apply on the website! elantriarp.enjin.com/home
10/10/2012 9:48 pm
Level 27 : Expert Artist
Keg1313's Avatar
How do I do what you said?
10/19/2012 1:29 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Princess
very_berry's Avatar
highlight the URL then right click and click "open in new tab" or go into your search engine and type "elantria RP" or "elantriaRp.enjin.com" or something like that, and you should find it
09/08/2012 9:12 am
Level 24 : Expert Narwhal
Qnator's Avatar
09/08/2012 6:41 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Princess
very_berry's Avatar
ya, just go to the website and make an app, they are to busy to check here.
08/15/2012 9:10 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Skinner
LordoRoadside's Avatar
Out of Character:

IGN: Lord_of_roadside
Time zone: USA east coast
RP Experience: Have been on a Rp server for the past month

In Character:

Name: Roden Jax
Age: Human 34
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Desired Job: Any
Back Story: I was a traveler of many lands and kingdoms. I have been a grunt of different armies. During that time i became interested in the war machines. Learning how to build them and soon i applied that trade onto a more peaceful way building war torn villages with others. I came to Elantria as another stop on my travels. I hope to apply my trade to its walls and homes.
08/17/2012 5:55 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Skinner
LordoRoadside's Avatar
08/11/2012 5:08 pm
Level 24 : Expert Narwhal
Qnator's Avatar
Rp me i am so bored
08/04/2012 3:02 pm
Level 24 : Expert Narwhal
Qnator's Avatar
update the server to 1.3
Planet Minecraft


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