Minecraft Servers

Hysteria|Tekkit|Plugins|24/7|No Lag!

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ixoptic's Avatar ixoptic
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Hysteria|Tekkit|Plugins|24/7|No Lag!
Status Offline Pinged: 12/24/23
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Hello and welcome to Hysteria! We are aiming to create a friendly and fun server for everyone to enjoy. We have big plans for it and we want you all to be part of it. Our server is a Tekkit server, as such mobs are enabled to fight and deal with, and all players will forage and collect their own materials. You are free to set up with your friends if you wish, or settle out on the landscape on your own!

How To Play
You need the Tekkit launcher witch should be plain and simple to install with no problems. Head over to http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit/ to download and PLAY!


Rules are No Griefing, No Looting,No Hacked Clients, No excessive PvP or Pvp near spawn, Respect Other Players(were all family), More rules in game these are just a few. BANNED ITEMS:Dark Matter Hammer, Red matter hammer, destruction catalyst sure of MorningStar, Nuke, TNT, Dynamite.


If you wish to donate then use this link: http://tinyurl.com/8qvuukw
<----- Donation link

Also if you donate at least $5 you get
1 stack of diamonds, a
ccess to back command,
the power to set 2 homes

If you donate at least $15 you get
Quantum Chestplate OR a red matter chestplate,
1 Stack of Diamonds,
Access to /nick command,
+ Everything Before.

If you donate $30 or more, you get
Protection for something you own,
5 Stacks of Diamonds,
5 Red Matter,
The power to set 3 homes,
No teleport Delay,
Access to the /fireball command

If you donate at least $50 you get:
3 Stacks of Diamond Blocks,
48 Red Matter and Dark Matter,
Full Quantum,
Anything you build can be protected,
The power to set 5 homes,
Create [Protection] Signs from essentials,
(Protect Chests and Furnaces),
Wear a block as a hat with /hat.

If you need to submit a banned appeal, suggest something or even report another play for something they did in game. Send me a E-mail at Adamseymour89@yahoo.com
CreditNotch, Death, Jesus, Herobrine

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08/11/2012 4:01 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
ixoptic's Avatar
Server is not whitelisted when I restart on the FTP sometimes it makes it whitelist and its annoying!
08/07/2012 6:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
thevirus22's Avatar
I thought this was a no-stealing/raiding server >.<... I just logged on and someone has stolen my quarry, all my machines, and a chest of mine! Wtf man :
08/07/2012 6:27 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
ixoptic's Avatar
Dosnt mean i can stop people from doing it ill look into it right now...
08/07/2012 3:37 am
Level 1 : New Miner
thevirus22's Avatar
Is the server broken??
08/07/2012 5:02 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
ixoptic's Avatar
hope it should be up but minecraft.net is having problems and i got the new ranks and perms =)
08/05/2012 11:13 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Narwhal
Archangle's Avatar
Great server, i gave it a diamond because i love playing on it and i hope to see it grow larger!
08/06/2012 3:30 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
ixoptic's Avatar
Thank you very much enjoy your stay on Hysteria!
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