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Kingdoms of Incendia MC 1.0.0 [RolePlay] [Factions] [iConomy] [Town Building] [Dedicated Server staff]

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DarkProwler14's Avatar DarkProwler14
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
The Beggining:

The land of Incendia was born in the Second Age, shortly after the Dwarves went into hiding from the Humans after the War of the Fire. The people of Incendia took precautions after the War, as they did not want to feel the death and bloodshed of such a war ever again. And with these precautions, they built Guilds all across Incendia. These Guilds would be independant and would protect Incendia and its people, hopefully stopping all kinds of aggressive behaviour. And it worked. The Guilds were afraid of the strength bestowed within the territory of the other Guilds, so no wars would start again. But, seventy-eight years after the War of the Fire, an ancient evil returns. The Demons awaken from their slumber that has lasted for almost four centuries and seek revenge for those who imprisoned them in the Underworld.

When you first meet the land:

Many of the new settlers in Incendia belong to the Imperials, which of whom lives north of Incendia in the Granff region. You step out of the imperial ship and take a tour throughout HavenHolt, the capital of Incendia. HavenHolt does not house a guild, and is open to all whom seek it out. It is home many markets and buildings, and was created by The Ancestors from the First Age. It also has some "hidden" surprises lurking within its walls, but I will leave you to find out what that is.


Many Guilds, (or Factions as you may call them) are spread across the land of Incendia. Some enormous kingdoms ruled by leaders with experience in certain crafts unlike no other, and some minute settlements taken care of by hunters from the woods. I will name most of the bigger and well known factions among the land.

Falchion: Originally the capital of Incendia, Falchion is built in the Khu'altem forest region, and sits above a giant gold mine, which is why its citizens are wealthy beyond measure.

[Race:Human/Elf] [Leader:Dark_Prowler/Seth Sirfane]

PlatinumCity: Many years before the War of the Fire, PlatinumCity was ruled in another distant land, far past the regions of the Kransit Mountains. Their leader, nicknamed "Scar" (Becuase of the major scar he had developed through the War of the Fire), settled the kingdom in Incendia to escape the Eastern Empires raids. It now sits peacefully on the Mountainous areas beside the sea, ready for anything that comes at them.

[Race:Human] [Leader: Scar12333/"Scar"]

Avalon: As the most Majestic city in all of Incendia, Avalon is governed by MelRose the III herself. Many come to sight-see in the walls of the Kingdom, and within its walls live the main society of the Fairies. It is rich beyond other kingdoms due to the artifacts and gold that were left there when the dwarves ruled it, until their mysterious dissapearence after the War. Some even say the kingdom was built by Mara herself, but that is only a myth...Or is it?

[Race:Fairy] [Leader:RealityIsntReal7/MelRose the III]

Vorhan: Vorhan was created by the master architects themselves, Gueron Capivilios and Seregon the VI, they reside within their home territory of the Khu'Altem Forest. Them and their race will protect it with their lives, which makes them a deadly force to reckon with. The town started shortly after the War of the Fire, yet rumor has it that Seregon and Gueron led the third assault on the humans.

[Race:Khu'Altem] [Leader:faint_nw_ldn/Gueron Capivilios]

Drachen: Little is known about this Guild, besides that they reside in a temple hidden in secrecy within the Ka'grameh Desert, east of Falchion. When they began to open their temple to the public, all was well, until their master, Thaross Hawkins, started the Order. Then people began to go missing...

[Race:Night Elf] [Leader:RedHawk14/Thaross Hawkins]


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There are many diverse races among the land, each with their own special abilities and powers. These are among the most populated races, although there are many others.

- Human:

The most common of the races, there are humans in almost every guild. As other races normally share a skill, Humans are skilled in different skills for different people.

- Wood Elf:

Among all the elves, Wood Elves are the most common and shard a place within the forestry of Incendia. They are distinctly recognized by their long ears passing to the top of their heads and their remarkable skills in Archery.

- Night Elf:

Night Elves are rarely seen battling during the day as they have an advantage over all other races during the night. They are known for doing excellent at theivery, assassinations, and other stealth-like jobs. They reside within desert areas and are used to the dry weather and low water supply.

- Khu'Altem:

The final of the three major spieces of Elf, Khu'Altem specialize in architecture and magic. Their source of magic does not come from inner power like most naturally-born mages, but it comes from the nature around them. Khu'Altem can use that magic to bend nature around them and have been known to create entire forests for spots to keep villages.

- Orc:

The Orc is a savage beast, with a natural talent for heavy weaponry and skills with a sword. The average Orc's strength is about as equal to five times of a human's, making them killing machines. Despite their gruesome power and style of killing, Orcs were one of the few races who tried to end the War of the Fire, as they were slowly dying.

- Fae:

Fae's are natural mages and specialize in light magic. Despite folklore, Fae's are quite average-sized, and are not to be confused with a pixie, whom of which are 4 inches tall. Most of the Fae's died out in the First Age, but there are still few who reside in Avalon. Some Fae's can even fly if they wish.

- Vampire:

Yes, Vampires. The blood-addicted race is well known for their treachery, as they were the ones who completely wiped out the Werewolf race, and slaughtered 1.2 Million humans by feeding upon them in the First Age. They normally reside in caves or underground hide-outs, and more than often you will find an abandoned Vampire hideout.

- Dwarf:

90% of the Dwarven population was wiped out late in the War of the Fire. Those that did not die are in hiding, somewhere underground in the Dwarven Kingdom. They were famous for their inventions, and originally designed a lot of the things we use today. They were also famous for building mechanical creatures, such as the Bronze Goliath.

Additional Notes

The land of Incendia was born in the Second Age, shortly after the Dwarves went into hiding from the Humans after the War of the Fire. The citizens of Incendia then created Guilds, in which populate most of the land. These Guilds work together or independantly to stay peaceful, so something such as the War of the Fire doesn't happen again. But recently, an ancient evil has awoken, and the guilds may have to work together to stop whatever is coming...

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06/24/2012 8:21 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
naridas111's Avatar
wait...shut down...MY LIFE IS OVER i needed a server like this and it was perfect.....
06/24/2012 8:20 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
naridas111's Avatar
wheres the ip? i wanna play!
02/14/2012 7:14 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Narwhal
scar12333's Avatar
Hey everyone. Ihave newz aboot thee server! it shut down for gud. have a nice day!!! ;D
01/29/2012 5:29 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
DarkProwler14's Avatar
Hey everyone. I have news about the server. First off, My host is being stupid. It will not let me use the BUKKIT jar file. Secondly, the server may not be up for a few more days, but after that, it will be functional.
01/30/2012 8:26 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Artist
tlboss's Avatar
i never got the message with your email :( email me: tmmlynch@gmail.com
01/29/2012 5:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
faint_nw_ldn's Avatar
Wahay :-) Finally got some news made my day :-) hopefully it will be up by the weekend whats ya predictions bro
01/29/2012 2:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
IceArrows's Avatar
I'm guessing dark is waiting for 1.2?
01/29/2012 5:29 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Architect
DarkProwler14's Avatar
01/29/2012 2:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
IceArrows's Avatar
I still have to build Winterhold :P
01/28/2012 1:11 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
faint_nw_ldn's Avatar
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