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KoolCatsClans's Avatar KoolCatsClans
Level 1 : New Miner
Status Offline Pinged: 02/08/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Catclans is a newish game type Koolcats community is making. There will be clans, it's basicly factions, but here's the catch. You cannot claim land. You can start your own clan, and become the top cat! 

There will be a dungeon close to spawn, but almost impossible to beat! The staff tried with the Diamond Donation kit, for beta testing, and couldn't make it past the second level!. If you find, and beat the dungeon your clans gets your base/area claimed until the next dungeon is beaten! There will also be loot and goodies in these dungeons. But don't get cocky yet, there will be many more clans fighting for immunity, on CatClans!

KoolCats Community
Koolcats is a growing community with a much experience of minecraft. We started out with a small host and kept on progressing to much more! We are currently switching host to a new and improved 50 slot minecraft server! We are completely dedicated to this server and are willing to help the players needs. (if necessary) 

How to Join
When one first joins this server one will become automatically a guest. Don't panic! The only way to become a member and get proper commands are two ways:

#1. Sign up on the website and are staff will move you to the member group.

#2. Play for a minimum of 2 hour(s). There is a hour track system which are moderators will check hourly.

Koolcats will be adding many donation plans for all players to buy. Here are some that will be added.

#1." Iron " ($5:00) In this donation rank one will get:
  1. A special Iron kit. Which one can get every 3 days.
  2. The command to /nick 
  3. The command to /god *NOTE* /god WILL be disabled in PvP.
  4. And will have access to the "Donation" Club. (The Donation Club is a place where there are special deals and prices for selling/buying items)
Normally a player had 3 notices before getting banned. Iron donors will get 5!

#2."Diamond" ($15:00) In this donation rank one will get all the commands from the previous donation rank, (not the kits):

  1. A special Diamond kit. Which one can get every 3 days.
  2. The commands to /fly *NOTE* /fly WILL be disabled in PvP.
  3. Also the permission to be allowed in the "Donation'' club.
Normally a player had 3 notices before getting banned. Diamond donors will get 10!

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05/12/2014 8:24 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
treyphis's Avatar
is their a reason to why you guys cant come up with original material??????
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