??? - White Axl: Megaman X8 Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

??? - White Axl: Megaman X8

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Inquirer's Avatar Inquirer
Level 42 : Master Artist
??? From Megaman X8, an armor upgrade for reploid Axl which enables him to transform into other Reploids for an infinite amount of time, and hover permanently in air while firing his guns. This form is thought to have something to do with the true end of Megaman X8 where 
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Lumine reveals that all newer Generation Reploids are able to Maverick at will thanks to their copy chips, he wishes to end human's reign over reploids and proceeds to attack Axl, Zero, and X. Upon his defeat he seemingly shuts down, his eyes gloss over and all is silent. The trio turn away from their fallen foe when a shaking noise errupts from Lumine's fallen body, his chest rips appart and a tendril whips out damaging Axl's jewl, knocking him unconcious Zero grabs his comrade and pulls him aside while X finishes the job destroying Lumine and the tentacle with his buster. Unbeknownst to any of them a small crystal was placed into Axl which has seemingly no effect on him in later games...
This is however attributed by fans to be the reason X8 as the reason for his White Form.

undefinedundefinedHis scar is gone in this form as well, as opposed to his normal form, as shown from official game artwork.

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11/27/2018 9:07 pm
Level 31 : Artisan Pokémon
TheOrangeCharizard's Avatar
Black Zero (Zekrom)

White Axl (Reshiram)

The situation isn't all Black and White (Pokemon Black and White confirmed)

am i seeing a pattern here Capcom. Whats next? A grey X

