☆ βενεℜℓγ ☆ "It's like we're the same person.. me and you." Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

☆ βενεℜℓγ ☆ "It's like we're the same person.. me and you."

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Beverly's Avatar Beverly
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Song ♥
Song lyrics were changed by SenpaiFever. Credit to her.

I've been trying for so long
to sing you the right song
to show you something different every day
So you hear what I have to say.

And now we're here at a standstill,
I wonder if you feel
the kind of pain that rips your insides out.
That's something I know all about.

Shocking, isn't it?

I can feel my heart breaking,
mistakes I've been making
How can a human lose their self control?
There's nothing left to make me whole.

Is it because I'm not perfect?
Made a mistake
and made you hurt
I can't fix you.

Is it because I'm not perfect?
Tried to awake and make you hurt
I can't fix you.

And now we're here at a standstill,
I wonder if you feel
the kind of pain that rips your insides out.
That's something I know all about.

This is what happens when I leave it to somebody else. If I want it done right, I have to do it right myself.
I over-saturated all the world with nothing but machines.
I tried to make everyone happy but they're dead inside just like me.

And now we're here at a standstill,
I wonder if you feel
the kind of pain that rips your insides out.
That's something I know all about.

We have a lot more in common
than you would be calm with
It's like we're the same person
me and you.

We both don't know what we can do.

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12/26/2016 2:32 am
He/They • Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd Magical Boy
eclipsedxmikah's Avatar
Okay, this has been bothering me for awhile so..

When I first joined PMC, you were incredibly kind to me. You gave diamonds to my trash and inspired me to become who I am today. Honestly, you were a huge inspiration and I probably wouldn't be here without you. I love your work, and to me, you are incredible. I couldn't believe I'd even gotten your attention. I was always on your profile and reading your bio and everything. When your skin schedule slowed, I almost cried. Then when you ended up in the hospital, I couldn't stop praying. You're amazing to me and I truly care about you.

With that being said..

(This next part, I swear I'm not assuming your Gender. I was going by your bio.)

Awhile back, on your profile it said, "She," so I always referred to you as, "Mom," around people. Now that you identify as Genderfluid, and prefer the they/them pronouns, I want to know what'd you'd like me to call you. Like a nickname or something. I've been trying to think of something for awhile but I went completely blank. I want to respect your wishes, no matter what my opinion is. I was raised one way, but also taught to be respectful of people's wishes whether they agree or not, so I'd like to make you happy by referring to you in a way that makes you happy. Whether it's using they/them pronouns or whatever, know that I will respect whatever you wish me to call you or refer to you as. Nicknames, Name, or Pronouns.

12/26/2016 12:53 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Beverly's Avatar
You are so kind. <3

If you'd like, you can call me Elliott- it's a genderfluid name; you can call me Elle for short. They/them pronouns are preferred, though.
12/26/2016 2:53 pm
He/They • Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd Magical Boy
eclipsedxmikah's Avatar
Thank you! >v< I try sometimes.

And okay! I had already planned on the They/Them pronouns, but when referring to you, I'll call you Elliott or Elle, and definitely the preferred pronouns. ♥ Thank you~
12/26/2016 2:55 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Beverly's Avatar
Thank you- I really appreciate your making a concerted effort. <3
12/26/2016 2:59 pm
He/They • Level 59 : Grandmaster Nerd Magical Boy
eclipsedxmikah's Avatar
You're welcome! I try to always respect people's wishes when it comes to personal matters. I'm glad that I may have made you happy in any way!
12/26/2016 3:02 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Beverly's Avatar
You really are so kind. <3
12/21/2016 11:04 am
Level 11 : Journeyman Fish
fairylights_'s Avatar
teach me the ways <3
12/20/2016 9:52 pm
Level 40 : Master Princess
Aesthetic's Avatar
ouh beautiful absolutely beautiful ;;
12/20/2016 9:53 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Beverly's Avatar
Thank you!
12/20/2016 8:00 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Grump
Five's Avatar
I indentify as a beach ball, I'm kicked around because of it.

To be fair I like they/them, masculinity and femininity are actually pretty impossible stereotypes to fit into
