#655 - Delphox Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

#655 - Delphox

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Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
#655 - Delphox - The Fox Pokemon

It gazes into the flame at the tip of its branch to achieve a focused state, which allows it to see into the future. Using psychic power, it generates a fiery vortex of 5,400 degrees Fahrenheit, incinerating foes swept into this whirl of flame.

Oh....my.....god. I have not had this much fun playing Pokemon since the days of Ruby and Sapphire! This game was a blast! I chose Fennekin as my starter, and let me tell you, I was not disappointed with the final evolution! In fact, all of them turned out very nice this generation! If you haven't played either X or Y yet, you should!

Delphox was fairly easy to do, for the most part. The eyes threw me off kinda. The fluffy stuff coming out of the ears was kinda annoying, but not that bad. Let me know what you think! A bit of a fun fact: Delphox seems to be the only Pokemon that can learn the move "Mystical Fire"!

A shiny version of Delphox is available too, for those who are interested:

Just right click the image below here, and click "save as" to download it!

You are free to use this skin as you please. However, you may not claim this as your own work. You may not upload this to other sites, such as skindex. If used, please do give credit!

Delphox/Pokemon belong to Nintendo/GameFreak.

....I may do more of these starter Pokemon. Feels good to make skins again!

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01/31/2015 3:16 pm
Level 49 : Master Baconator
GRENINJA FTW! Cool skin btw. Diamond!
11/24/2013 5:50 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pirate
So Cool, nice to have you back!
11/24/2013 11:39 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
Thank you! I hope to make a lot more skins again, haha.
11/24/2013 12:46 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
Nice to see you're back to making skins, wb!
11/21/2013 10:15 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Toast
I just got into pokemon so hopefully I'll actually know what all these pokemon skins people make are!
11/21/2013 11:21 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
This one here is the final evolution of the fire starter you can receive in Pokemon X and Y. I think it's pretty cool, haha. It's basically a fiery mage fox!
11/22/2013 7:56 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Toast
I know this is off topic but which pokemon is the best starter in X?
11/22/2013 10:03 pm
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
All a matter of preference. I always have a tendency to pick the fire types.
11/21/2013 4:31 am
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Bunny
Well, yes, Delphox is the only Pokemon who can learn Mystical Fire, it's Delphox's signature move. :P Also, OMG, you're alive. :D
11/21/2013 4:54 am
Level 60 : High Grandmaster Skinner
Barely hangin' in there! Haha. I finished the game not long ago, and had to turn Delphox into a skin! I don't recall even seeing one of it yet, so hopefully I'm one of the first! And yes, I had a feeling it was, haha. Sorta how volt tackle is the Pikachu family's signature move (I think it's volt tackle)!
