Captain Planet Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Captain Planet

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Level 65 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart

"With all your powers combined, I am CAPTAIN PLANET~!!"

I'm sorry, guys. I had to do it. I had a nostalgia trip XD
I mean, Who doesn't know who Captain Planet was(Unless you were born after the 90s)?

For the hipster kids of today, Captain Planet was a cartoon on about Global warming, when the spirit of the Earth, Gaia, sees the damage that us humans are doing to the planet and gives five teenagers elemental rings.
Kwame from Africa controls Earth, Wheeler from the US controls fire, Linka from the soviet Union controls Wind, Gi from Asia controls Water and Ma-ti from south America controls Heart (He got ripped of big time). The five Planeteers go around trying to stop polluters from trashing up our lovely planet with the five elements, but when things seem to get out of control, they summon the powers of Captain Planet.

I can't lie, though, the show was pretty terrible, but it was the kind of terribleness that made it good somehow. There were some bad things about it, like how Captain Planet only weakness was pollution and other bad stuff, and could only regain his powers from the sun (I mean, how hard is it to throw TOXINS on a guy? This shit's easier to find than Kryptonite!), and how he had to say as MANY bad puns while fighting carbon crimes. Also, there was an episode where they didn't have global issues, but instead did a full episode on AIDS. I'm not joking.

Do you think I should do all the Planeteers? All the villains, as well? Well, if there's any way to keep me busy, it'll be that.

This is the longest description I've ever wrote....
CreditI was tempted to post the lyrics to the theme song in the description, but I held it back and gave you a review on the show...

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10/01/2011 7:39 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Scapegoat
"Ewww he just ate a bird"
10/01/2011 7:48 pm
Level 65 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
He's the guy who save you from a burning and says afterwards "I hope you know that smoking's bad for your health"
