Chelsea- Akame ga kill Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Chelsea- Akame ga kill

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Level 47 : Master Skinner
Chelsea is one of the newest members of the assassin's group, Night Raid. She is often seen with a sucker in her mouth. She has mischievous personality, however, this seems to mask a more cold & calculating side which can often lead to her making blunt (but accurate) analysis of a person or situation. Despite this, Chelsea still has a warm personality underneath her detached exterior.

She has a mischievous personality, but this may be an act. She was shown to have a cold calculating side which lead to her being rather blunt. In the end, she was shown to have good intentions and tried to help the Night raid members to become more realistic. She was show to have a love for lollipops. Her Teigu was filled with them and she was usually shown having one in her mouth.

Well i hope you all like it i think she looks pretty good.

Chelsea- Akame ga kill Minecraft Skin

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09/21/2014 11:41 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Archer
Great skin! I'll throw you a diamond~
