Clone Wars: Arc trooper Fives Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Clone Wars: Arc trooper Fives

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RangerDarman's Avatar RangerDarman
Level 35 : Artisan Warrior
Also known as CT-27-5555, Fives trained with Domino Squad on Kaminobefore being shipped out to the Rishi Moon listening outpost. He survived the Separatist attack on the station there, and was transferred to the 501st Legion alongside his squadmate and fellow survivor, Echo. Fives and Echo were promoted to ARC trooper status after the defense of Kamino from Separatist invaders.

He and Echo were later assigned with the difficult mission of freeingRepublic prisoners from the daunting Citadel prison installation on Lola Sayu. Though Fives survived that arduous assignment, Echo tragically fell in battle, leaving Fives as the sole survivor of the Domino Squad training squad

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07/01/2014 5:04 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
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