Cytec - Cyberpunk Hacker [Contest] + Story (updated) Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Cyberpunk Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

Cytec - Cyberpunk Hacker [Contest] + Story (updated)

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Alpha_Legion's Avatar Alpha_Legion
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Cytec - Cyberpunk Hacker

NOTE: Ignore the "image" of the skin, and look at the 3D view. It has just been updated, and the image takes a while to change. So the correct version, is the one in the 3D preview.

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A deadly criminal...

In the age of Cyberpunk, the cities were filled with criminals, outlaws and bandits. Many were petti-thieves, who stole scraps of metal, and bits of machines, while others... Were considered more of a liability than a nuisance.

Cytec. That was name of the most feared outlaw in the whole New-Thorian city. He was an estranged and deluded hacker, capable of hacking into almost anything he needs or desires, and has the power to control it at his will.

At the age of 5, Cytec (as he is known), was taken from the orphanage in which he was raised, after his parents passed away shortly after he was born. His kidnappers then performed excruciating and inhumane experiments on poor child, to o testo their new technology.

Soon, the experiments became too much for the little boy, and his o upgradeso made him stronger than the kidnappers thought, he was able to hack into their computers and machines, and soon took over the facility, trapping them inside, and taking his revenge...

Cytec then broke free, and made his way into the city, however he could no longer show his face, because of the hideous cyborg mutations, so he lived in the shadows for many years, and survived off any scraps he could find.

Now he is older, his deprived life has driven him to near insanity, and is out to destroy anyone that he feels is responsible for what has happened to him... Almost anyone in New-Thorian city.

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Alpha_Legion 11/14/2012 11:29:51 amNov 14th, 2012

More contrast and changed design a little.

Big thanks to dinowcookie who taught me a little more about contrast! :D

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11/15/2012 5:00 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
Leechwolf's Avatar
I feel sorry for him... I wanna hug him and tell him that he dudn't have to worry bout no stupid people hurting him again.. D: >>Why do i feel like I should love hackers right now??<<
11/16/2012 3:31 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Alpha_Legion's Avatar
Because everyone should love hackers <3

Lol XD Well, most hero's (or villians in this case) from Cyberpunk are hackers anyway...
11/18/2012 10:49 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
Leechwolf's Avatar
Well theres two hackers on this other game I play so I wanna be their friends because hackers are less likely to destroy their buddies computers with superviruses. Because when I say hackers, I don't mean average everyday, These guys don't play around, man! I don't know what cyberpolice site is real and I don't wanna find out, but those dudes work for VIRTUMONDE!! It's scary.. So I became their "friends" so that I wont get hacked or anything. So far nothings gone wrong except my driver glitching out (rare driver bug glitching out) and it tried to do a data dump, scared me crapless because I didn't know what was going on and I thought it was a BSoD summoned by them. and I turned off the whole power switch for when I came back they went "Dude, what happened?" :s and I felt so stupid.
11/18/2012 10:50 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
Leechwolf's Avatar
Ones name is Ebullient and the other is Velswad.
(on the game, anyways)
11/14/2012 10:31 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Mage
Masone23's Avatar
Mind if I ask how you got that transparency for the visor?
11/15/2012 3:24 am
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Alpha_Legion's Avatar
11/16/2012 8:09 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Mage
Masone23's Avatar
Well then, do you mind teaching me this wonderful act of sorcery my good sir?
11/17/2012 7:49 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Alpha_Legion's Avatar
I believe it is the power of the old wise one - Google.

Either that, or the "transparency" slider in Gimp or Photoshop.

11/17/2012 7:58 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Mage
Masone23's Avatar
Thank you my good sir. May a squadron of beautiful diamonds find their way to this skin by days end.
11/17/2012 8:10 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Alpha_Legion's Avatar
*high five*

Thanks. :3
