Daroach Minecraft Skin
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FlyingBananasaur's Avatar FlyingBananasaur
Level 19 : Journeyman Mage
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So... I got bored and wanted to make some skins. I decided to make them based on some of my favorite underrated* characters of all time, the Squeak Squad from the Kirby series. I made them mostly simplistic both to match their simple designs and because I thought they just looked kind of uncanny with too much shading.
*And underdone. before I made these the only skins of them I've seen was one Daroach skin on this site.

Anyways, today's skin is Daroach... better late than never, I guess. Daroach is the leader of the Squeaks, and the one who plans most of their actions. He doesn't attack directly, preferring to use the Triple Star and various types of ice magic.

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