Dead Space 3 Snow Suit (The New Suit) LOOKS BETTER IN PREVIEW Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Dead Space 3 Snow Suit (The New Suit) LOOKS BETTER IN PREVIEW

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Level 11 : Journeyman Ranger
27/6/12As seen in the E3 demo of Dead Space 3 This is the suit that Isaac Clarke wore. It may not be an exact replica due to the fact that I haven't taken a great look at the suit and it has to be bulkier. I'll be taking requests.


Hey it's been a while has it. Well the main reason why I updated this skin is because I was so jelly of a skin of another person also known as aidan980 to be exact. And so i decided to add minor or maybe a a lot of changes to this skin (Razer Blackwidow y u so loud D:< ) anyway, I gave it an upgrade enjoy :) Or I will EAT YOUR SO-

connection lost~
CreditEA and E3 and demos

3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Transform456 08/18/2012 9:30:11 amAug 18th, 2012

Better color, add MOAR detail.

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