Evangelion Unit 1 Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Evangelion Unit 1

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Level 65 : High Grandmaster Sweetheart
"Evangelion Unit 1.... MOVE OUT!!"

Behold, the synnthecic humanoid weapon Evangeloin unit 1, created by NOCH NERV

After a friend of mine on DeviantART made a skin of Sachiel and Zeruel (4th and 7th angel), I knew what I had to do....
To be honest, this annoyed the crap out of me, especially doing the segmented torso structure. And after addin the noise, I had to make sure soime details wre clear enough to see

Still, I had a lot of fun with this~! :D

EDIT: oops.. Forgot to do the bottom of the head... >_>"

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05/01/2014 6:08 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Ladybug
You're a good person
11/04/2012 4:39 am
Level 50 : Grandmaster Pony
I love this Skin i made a full sized NERV base in Minecraft (Complete with a recreation of Lilith, the lance of Longinus, and a recreation of unit 1 in it's Docking bay) just so i can Roleplay with this skin in LAN worlds but you probably don't want me to go on about a world that i deleted recently so i'm gonna say this is the best Eva unit 01 Skin i'v seen so far.
