°ѕυgαя° Thank you, everyone!<33 Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

°ѕυgαя° Thank you, everyone!<33

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Sugarbun's Avatar Sugarbun
Level 78 : Legendary Bunny

I want to say thank you to all of my lovely subscribers, especially those who has stuck with me since the early days of my skinning :P

o ¥

When i first started skinning, i never expected to get even 100 subscribers, and now,
8 months later, i have reached a total of 2775 subscribers! It's crazy :)
I'm really thankful to all of you for all the support you've given me.
I know many of you comment on all of my skins, every time i make a new one.
You might not think i notice, but i do. I've seen many of you, who always support me,
writing nice things on all of my new skins, and it makes my day every time.

o ¥

I really never expected so many people to like my skins, and I'm thrilled that so many do.
I love making skins for people, and i love seeing people getting happy when i make a skin they like.

o ¥

Also a special thanks to all of you guys, who has made awesome fan art for me! I have posted it
all on my profile wall, and i'll continue to do that with all the fan art i recieve. It makes me super happy
everytime someoe takes the time to make something just for me, i think that's super awesome!
So thanks to all of you who has taken the time to make me amazing fan art. It means a lot. :)

Thanks to all of you for helping me grow, and helping me reaching my goals!
(my goal was 100 subscribers, so i can safely say that i reached that!) I couldn't have done it
without you guys. Every single one of you matters to me, and knowing that so many people
support me is really heart warming!

o ¥

I want you all to know that even though i get a lot of PM's, i'll always answer your messages.
You can ask me whatever you want, and i'll always try to give you advice if you need any.
Don't be scared to PM me, i'll read every single one of them. :)

Again, thanks to all of you, you're amazing! ^u^



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02/01/2015 2:32 am
Level 38 : Artisan Dragonborn
JustfunOrihime02's Avatar
Totally LOVE the skin she is sooo KAWAIII :333
Monster Unicorns
05/16/2014 4:51 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Unicorn
Monster Unicorns's Avatar
We'll ALways be there for you sugar! :P keep being Sweet :D
05/21/2014 6:09 am
Level 78 : Legendary Bunny
Sugarbun's Avatar
Ahh, that's so sweet c: thank you!
Monster Unicorns
05/21/2014 10:23 am
Level 37 : Artisan Unicorn
Monster Unicorns's Avatar
Your welcome ^-^
04/25/2014 8:55 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc1102062's Avatar
Suqar Cube57
08/30/2013 2:53 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Suqar Cube57's Avatar
how do you create skins on Planet MinecraftI'm new and I think you are the best one on here from what I've seen so far :)
08/19/2013 9:09 am
Level 30 : Artisan Goblin
Pinkgubel's Avatar
that is so nice :) + I love your server <3
08/19/2013 10:21 am
Level 78 : Legendary Bunny
Sugarbun's Avatar
Thank you! ^_^
08/14/2013 1:18 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
neonalien's Avatar
So cute and sweet. :)
08/14/2013 9:49 am
Level 78 : Legendary Bunny
Sugarbun's Avatar
Thank youu ^__^
