Halo: Combat Evolved - Elites Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Halo: Combat Evolved - Elites

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Archival Mind's Avatar Archival Mind
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Terraformer
I decided to do these as part of the Halo kick since I originally thought these were my best... but they were either too bright or inaccurate. They were mostly accurate though, so I touched the Minor up and then proceeded to alter the design for the rest. Darker colors, more accurate colors, more accurate armor, variants, etc. Stealth was by far the hardest to get down and I'm still not convinced it's totally good to go.

Above is an Elite Minor, variant 1. Turns out there's more than just a difference of helmets between certain Minor and Major Elites. Thigh and arm armor can be completely different, and it's totally random. So, I took the typical look that'd carry the Elites forward and condensed them into one variant, while the curved helmet and more blocky armor goes to the second variant.

Minor 2Halo: Combat Evolved - Elites Minecraft Skin
MajorHalo: Combat Evolved - Elites Minecraft Skin
Major 2Halo: Combat Evolved - Elites Minecraft Skin
Spec Ops

UPDATE 2/10/2024 - I think I changed something here...


4 Update Logs

Update #4 - Severe Tuning : by Archival Mind 11/13/2021 2:58:26 pmNov 13th, 2021

- Changed alternate Minor and Major variants to include every armor permutation
- Dimmed overall color schemes
- Changed armor slightly to be more accurate
- Added Forerunner glyphs to Zealot, SpecOps, and Stealth variants
- Tuned colors to be more accurate

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11/08/2023 8:16 am
Level 20 : Expert Procrastinator
Rockship2910's Avatar
Where are the forerunner glyphs on them? But 11/10
Chunk Chunk
06/29/2022 11:15 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Ninja
Chunk Chunk's Avatar
"wob, wob, wob" "aaawubadugh" - "Very Cool"
