☆ βενεℜℓγ ☆  Into the Limelight~  (OC Aisaka) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

☆ βενεℜℓγ ☆ Into the Limelight~ (OC Aisaka)

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Beverly's Avatar Beverly
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
This is a remake of one of my older OCs, Aisaka/Jubilant, who was sadly never developed. ^^

Jubilant's Bio
Name: Aisaka Uhari Neo
Nickname/Also Called: Jubilant
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Orientation: Lesbian

Age: 16
Birthdate: January 3, 2001
Height: 5'8''

Birthplace: Quebec, Canada
Current Home: Tokyo, Japan
Nationality: Canadian/Japanese
Accent: Canadian

Parents: Mizaki Neo and Philip Vére
Siblings: Three brothers (one younger, two older)
Love interest/partner: (Free for shipping...!)
Children: None
Pets: An abundance of exotic fish

Likes: Nautical things, fish, sea turtles, graphic design, singing, electronic dance music, gothic fashion, earrings, dark cosmetics, neon colours, meeting new people, social media, city life, her laptop, shopping, cracking jokes, hanging out with her brothers, plants, etc.

Dislikes: Dogs, pastel colours, being talked over/ignored in a conversation, school, homophobia, xenophobia, early mornings, cyberbullying, robots, vegan food, exercise, etc.

Personality: Laid-back, enthusiastic, silly, clumsy, very extroverted, socialite, talkative, a little vain, musical, dedicated, trendy, outspoken, creative, headstrong, etc.

Random Facts: Can play music by ear, shares an extremely close relationship with her younger brother Chiaki, has occasional anxiety attacks, is agnostic

Backstory: Aisaka was born in Canada to a wealthy family; her Canadian father Philip was the respected host of a widely known and popular TV station and her Japanese mother Misaki was a graphics designer. Aisaka grew up in a gifted-and-talented school showing a love for music, using it mainly as an escape from her horrific home life, as her father refused to take his bipolarity medication and became increasingly unstable, often threatening to kill himself, and Aisaka and her three brothers also. When Aisaka was nine, Misaki filed for divorce and came home to take the kids, only to find that Philip had already committed a gruesome suicide and stabbed Aisaka and her youngest brother, Chaki.

After the two recovered in the hospital both experienced severe PTSD episodes and Aisaka became suicidal herself for a good while at the end of primary school, struggling with bulimia and burning herself for two years. She did eventually recover and ended up throwing herself into her music, which was nearly all that carried her through when Misaki moved her and the boys back to her own native home of Japan. (Aisaka's older two brothers remained in Canada.)

Surprisingly, Aisaka settled in well and quickly there, although the intense academics overwhelmed her at first. Already having been obsessed with anime/gothic lolita fashion before, she and Chiaki roamed the streets while Misaki searched for a new job in graphics design in Tokyo. They lived with Misaki's stern and overachieving mother for the first year, when Aisaka stunned her family by earning a scholarship in music at a nearby college for gifted young adults. She briefly explored the world of Vocaloid music before a horrifying discovery revolving round it claimed the life of her best friend, Natalie, although Aisaka would soon join unofficial ranks to save the next life and prevent more horrors from continuing there.

(From here Aisaka's backstory converges with my other OC, Natura Aloy. Please check out Natura's bio for story conclusion. ^^)
Old Version
CreditMonstercat- Title

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08/27/2017 4:28 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
FabulousPotatoes's Avatar
08/27/2017 6:23 am
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Beverly's Avatar
Thanks! <3
08/26/2017 6:45 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Network
Iriss's Avatar
Wow!! She's so cute, and so cool!! ^u^
08/26/2017 6:48 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Beverly's Avatar
Thank you, Iris! <3
08/26/2017 1:40 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Warrior
Sanhoshi's Avatar
Wowie owo
08/26/2017 1:37 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Skinner
DerpySelfie's Avatar
She's so pretty! I looove her palette! Awesome job, Bev!! <33
08/26/2017 1:39 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Beverly's Avatar
Thank you! :)
08/26/2017 1:42 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Skinner
DerpySelfie's Avatar
Of course! :D
08/26/2017 10:13 am
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Theorist
Edicine's Avatar
I love those songs in Monstercat :)
08/26/2017 10:17 am
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Beverly's Avatar
Me too!
