It's Not Worth It. Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

It's Not Worth It.

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Vessa's Avatar Vessa
Level 47 : Master Sweetheart
Seeing people lose such young family members and friends to the word Suicide.
It's Not Worth It.
Killing yourself over bad grades, not getting your dream job, breaking up with your lover... It's Not Worth It.
It's not worth such pain, losing so much time you have left in life, giving up on those who care so much about you.
Believe me, I've seen it all. I've lost a family member who died halfway through his life to suicide. But the grief that I saw...
My family mourning, and what made me realise... that It's Never Worth It. It's not.. no it's NEVER okay. The sadness that your
family will go through, standing by your grave asking 'why did they do it' 'they had so much to live for'... it's heart wrenching.
Killing yourself can even make those who care about you consider it, thinking 'I can't live on without you.'
If you're depressed over a bad grade, try harder! Ask for help! Ask a friend for advice, or even talk to your teacher!
If you're depressed over not getting in your dream job, Study! Try harder! Try for different jobs and make your way back to the top!
If you're depressed over romance, there is someone else out there who will treat you better ♥
If you're depressed over loss, you still have so many friends and family members that are there for you, always.

I'm reposting this, now that I'm older and can word this better, and also for the fact that depression is a large thing online.
No one should ever feel such a cold, heavy feeling. You shouldn't burden yourselves at such young ages.
Life being limited is like a challenge, asking you 'How much can you make the most of me while I last?'
You still have many decades ahead of you, so you shouldn't be so down at such a young age.
You should go outside, excersise, video games, and being social is the best medicine for taking stuff off of your mind.
Trust me :)
I also am sorry for your losses, and I'm glad I could do as much as make people smile and save some lives from something
as small as this. You all mean so much to me, and have dragged me out of my depression, and I want to help you get out of yours.
I want you to smile, be happy, live long, have families, and rest peacefully ♥
I want YOU to live on, enjoying every second life has to give.

I'm so grateful that this has made popreel several times, so this message can reach so many people.
♥ #It'sNotWorthIt ♥

It's Not Worth It. -Vessa
Sure there are things to hate
But also things to appreciate
Keep in mind up above
To be reunited with whom you love
So let your heart be at ease
And let your mind be at peace.
Troubling as these thoughts may seem
Don't let them shake your very being
For they are thoughts and nothing else
And the one who thinks them is yourself
So don't let those thoughts halt your way
For life is long, so cherish every day
Even when I'm long gone
I hope that you continue to live on
But for now we're young and it's a beautiful day
So let's take our minds off the matter and stay
Forever our friendship will never fade
And the message I've left to be portrayed ♥

It's Not Worth It. Minecraft Skin
Stamp made by CollieQuest, thank you so much ♥


3 Update Logs

Update #3 : by Vessa 07/27/2016 10:38:36 amJul 27th, 2016

Now that I'm older, I've worded the message better and updated the skin as well.

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Stay Alive
09/23/2017 7:58 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Miner Miner
Stay Alive's Avatar
Reminds me of the second alice from a vocaloid also deja vu
04/06/2017 8:44 pm
Level 20 : Expert Robot
Redacted682's Avatar
CONGRADULATIONS! you have been noticed over 100 times in the comment section
08/01/2016 1:12 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Meme
Haze's Avatar
I support this. I support people not suiciding.
07/27/2016 8:54 pm
Level 22 : Expert Modder
Yotsuhirasaka's Avatar
<_< I hate liars y'know? Sorry if this upsets ya, but I do.

I hate liars. Funny isn't it?
08/03/2016 1:33 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Fish
boughtabride's Avatar
thats cool cuz im a liar.
08/03/2016 11:38 am
Level 22 : Expert Modder
Yotsuhirasaka's Avatar
Me too.
07/27/2016 5:26 pm
Level 26 : Expert Robot
Murderton's Avatar
Great words. Lovely meaning.
07/27/2016 3:37 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Fish
boughtabride's Avatar
11/18/2015 3:25 pm
Level 45 : Master Musician
witchu's Avatar
My friend at school attempted suicide :I i got him to not do it.
07/27/2016 10:41 am
Level 47 : Master Sweetheart
Vessa's Avatar
I'm so glad ♥
