Kalzardeth - The Nightmare of Treasure Seekers/Adventures Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Boss Battle Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

Kalzardeth - The Nightmare of Treasure Seekers/Adventures

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wldscarlet's Avatar wldscarlet
Retired Moderator
Level 76 : Legendary Sweetheart
Hiya, I finally made it in time, If you like this skin, please support it, thank you! ^-^

Origins :

The Kalzardeth was introduced in the “Energetic” update, or update 1.11, along with a new natural structure for him to spawn in. Every time that Steve fails to kill him, Kalzardeth regains his full health.


Kalzardeth is said to be composed of the bones of at least four (4) treasure seekers/adventurers. His blood is also said to be composed of lava, hot enough to burn any living thing that it touches. Kalzardeth is extremely strong, with a giant pickaxe as its main weapon. No one knows how many hearts it has, as no one has ever killed it.

How and Why I Know:

I’m glad you asked.
With the sunrise glinting off, barely rising above the distant mountains, our caravan set out. I was sent out to document the goings-on, as our company had came under much scrutiny recently, due to botched deliveries and expeditions. It was a bad idea.

Day One:

Our troop consisted of eight armed guards, half on horse, half of them walking. We also had a couple riders to lead our pack-mules, and myself. We were making a routine delivery, something that none of us hadn’t done a million times before. But there was something that we should have noticed was different. There was a distinctive lack of mobs around. Our horses were getting skittish. We were fool enough to keep going.

Day Two:

Our horses had bolted as soon as we stopped, taking our payload and supplies with them. We were stranded, miles away from our starting point, or our destination. In a spur-of-the-moment decision, we went mining. At least we could bring some supplies for our payload, and possibly keep our jobs.

Day Three:

We should have known it was a bad idea when the walls in our cavern melted into puddles of magma. We should have known we were about to die when a repulsive being destrywalked through that magma. The ironic part is, I didn’t. Everyone else did.

Resistance was crushed, as first our soldiers, then our mule-mongers. They died in ways too gruesome to recount, some having their heads bashed in with a massive pickaxe, some falling into lava, while others, the monster picked up and... absorbed.


I christened him the Kalzardeth, and ran for my life. I do not know how I survived, but, indeed I did.


The Kalzardeth is a mean feat to kill. It regenerates every time you die fighting it. It would be wise to avoid finding it.

But you can’t.

It will find you.

And end you.

CreditMain story ideas by me. Added the awesomeness and completed whole story by Pikamoar! Thank you a lot!!

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The World
12/12/2016 11:40 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Hunter
The World's Avatar
And now that there actually is a 1.11, someone mod him in!
02/01/2016 10:36 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ACasualWizard's Avatar
Hey! Your work is amazing, I'm using this skin right now and I love it. But my name on Minecraft is ACasualWizard, I was wondering if you are planning on making a wizard skin any time soon?
02/01/2016 6:04 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Sweetheart
wldscarlet's Avatar
Thank you for using my Skin :D and no, I don't plan to make any wizard skin soon. :c
09/24/2015 1:43 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Vampire
Beverly's Avatar
Whoa, this is awesome!
02/01/2016 6:03 pm
Level 76 : Legendary Sweetheart
wldscarlet's Avatar
Thank you! ^ - ^
08/20/2015 10:34 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Warrior
Shinyn's Avatar
08/21/2015 12:52 am
Level 76 : Legendary Sweetheart
wldscarlet's Avatar
Oohh, someone finally used my skin... yay! :D
08/21/2015 11:58 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Warrior
Shinyn's Avatar
06/21/2015 8:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BurningFishy's Avatar
I think this deserves first place!
06/21/2015 4:52 am
Level 36 : Artisan Pixel Puncher
Maxxaka's Avatar
awesome work, also the story is great.
