Knight of the Lake Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Knight of the Lake

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MasterOfSpasms's Avatar MasterOfSpasms
Level 39 : Artisan Ranger
"The Knights of the Lake, they're called," Alicia remarked, resting her hands against the bar. She looked about the small tavern floor- to a paranoid extent, it seemed, clearing her throat before leaning in closer to the bar keep. "...It takes true potential to become one of the Mad King's right hands. And Alair and I... we were but two of them. Alair, he... was the blood mage among us. And I... the proper knight."

"So, then. If you was as loyal as ye' say, then what changed?" The barkeep shifted his weight against the table, slipping a glass Alicia's way. Alicia sampled the glass, taking a quick swig to calm her nerves before responding.

"...Well. The word came out. Alair was probably the wiser among us. Cyrus's 'loyal' knights, there... they were bloody vampires. How do you think you control an entire goddamn country with an iron fist like that?"

"Fear's the word yer lookin' for."


Silence crept over the scene, Alicia quickly finishing her drink before abruptly bringing herself to her feet. "...Pray word of this doesn't get out. I can only assume you've heard the rumours around Eprela? Elhane? They come looking- Mad King's envoys, that is. They'll take ya during the night if you aren't careful. Always looking for a bit of potential." Alicia wandered away, heading off towards her room upstairs. "...Apologies for getting so grim, tonight. I'll pay the tab tomorrow..."

"As ye' say." The barkeep nodded in acknowledgment, waving Alicia off. "But if someone shows up in my bar lookin' for ya, you better have my back."

Knight of the Lake Minecraft Skin

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10/19/2018 8:06 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Artist
CementMixr's Avatar
this skin is so detailed, good work!
