[LOTC] Ranger Woman Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

[LOTC] Ranger Woman

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  • 223 downloads, 0 today
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Level 23 : Expert Skinner
Commission for Eagles! Make sure not to use this on LotC.

Credit for the head and hair to Trinnionaire (http://www.planetminecraft.com/member/trinnionaire/)

This skin was a massive pain in the rear. When I had finished it the first time I accidentally reloaded novaskin and control-z'd, losing all of it. (I had forgotten to save). Needless to say, I save drafts diligently now.

Otherwise I thought it turned out well. Did some experimenting with using multiple layers off-and-on with the back of the cloak. The hair Trinn did covers a lot of it, but it was still pretty cool.

Also I think this is the first female skin on my PMC. Who wants to bet it gets a billion more views than any of my other stuff?

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