Marx, AKA, "D'aww, such an adorable destroyer of worlds!" Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Marx, AKA, "D'aww, such an adorable destroyer of worlds!"

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Level 34 : Artisan Dragonborn Geek
The title says most of it.

Also, hiya! I'm not dead, pleased to meet ya!

I just got Kirby Star Allies a little less than a week ago and I am in LOVE with it! In all honesty, I think it made me regain my obsession with the Kirby series. If I had to choose my current favorite character, it'd probably be impossible for me to answer-- although, I do favor Kirby, King Dedede and, well, Marx. You know, that little purple jester guy from Super Star that tricked the sun and moon into fighting, used Kirby to gain enough power to gain control over Popstar and, once he had enough power, turned into this God of Hyperdeath (Undertale reference intended) that could destroy anything in sight? Yeah, he's pretty adorable, isn't he? Decided to make a skin of him since there aren't many out there.

Alternate variants!

Without ball:
Spoiler - click to reveal
Marx, AKA, "D'aww, such an adorable destroyer of worlds!" Minecraft SkinMarx, AKA, "D'aww, such an adorable destroyer of worlds!" Minecraft Skin
Demon pupils/Creepy face:
Spoiler - click to reveal
Marx, AKA, "D'aww, such an adorable destroyer of worlds!" Minecraft Skin

Your wish has been granted, and I have made a Marx Soul variant! Here is the link!

The famous jester from Kirby Super Star has finally arrived to get in on the action! Sure, he's had a diabolical past as a final boss, but he'l be your buddy if you keep him well-fed. It's a dream come true! B Close

1 Update Logs

Update #1 - Eyes and Alternatives : by GeekyGoo 09/07/2018 8:17:08 pmSep 7th, 2018

I made Marx's pupils bigger and I now have alternate costumes ready!

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01/01/2019 12:36 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Even if this is very old, I'm still hoping for a Marx Soul skin, because you clearly have the potential to make something really great.
01/04/2019 3:27 pm
She/Her • Level 34 : Artisan Dragonborn Geek
Aww, thank you! ^^ Guess I know what I'll be doing today!

Edit: also your profile pic is godly
