Military Intendant - Story of the Empire Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Military Intendant - Story of the Empire

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Yakii's Avatar Yakii
Level 16 : Journeyman Skinner
Greetings !
Nonetheless, there are two different kind of skins :

  • The first in 64x64
  • The second in 128x128

The second one is more complicated, if I could say so, to use. In fact, you will need "More Player model" mod, preference in 10.2 or higher. These version of the mod offers to you the possibility to use 128x64 or higher resolution. See below for a screen and if you want to know how makes it possible.

How can I use the 128x64 skin in game ?

  • First at all, you need forge in 10.2 and More Player model in 10.2
  • After the installation, run your game in the forge version.
  • In-Game, use "F12" to open the character window.
  • Create a new profile, with the "+"
  • Name it, and go to the left-down button, to open a more detailed character creation window
  • Go to the top-left button
  • Insert the link of the 128x128 skin
    • You can import your skin on Discord, Imgur or whatever. Right click to obtain a URL link of your skin, and paste it in-game !

  • Close the character window, with "echap"
  • use "F12" to open the character window.
  • Left-click on the right-down button and click on "refresh skin"
  • Tadaaa ! 128x128 skin !

Screen :

Military Intendant - Story of the Empire Minecraft Skin

128x128 skin :


Feel free to use this skin, but, and this is very important :

  • Do not claim this skin your own
  • Do not copy / paste this skin on other website without my permission

Thanks to :

-Noppes, More Player Model

-Monsterfish_, Conquest (

Thanks to all, and have a great day !

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