| Mushroom Forest | ~* Marma *~ CE Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Spellbound Garden Player Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

| Mushroom Forest | ~* Marma *~ CE

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Marma's Avatar Marma
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Kitten
This is my entry for the ~* Spellbound Garden *~ event!

So I was inspired by the mushrooms on their page! They're super cute! And I thought I'd throw in a little story aswell. (:


The little mushroom girl was skipping through the forest with joy and excitement. A basket hanging from her leg arm as she skipped. It was filled with all sorts of mushroom themed sweets and baked goods. Cupcakes, marshmallows, chocolates, cookies, and much much more.

As she skipped through the forest all the way to her favourite hill for a sweet picnic, she came across a sad fairy sitting on a flower.

"Why are you sad?" The little mushroom girl asked. Kneeling down to look at the small crying fairy.

"A gust of wind came and blew away my flower home." The little fairy replies, pointing to a small opening int he flower patch where flowers are blown everywhere from a strong gust of wind.

"Now I have no where to live" The fairy said as she continued to weep.

"Oh no! I'm terribly sorry.. Maybe I can help you." The little mushroom girl said. Looking around. "I'm not too far from the village, stay right here and I'll bring you a new home." The little mushroom girl said before she sprinted off.

Once she returns, she places down a little bird house. Putting little mushroom gumdrops in the home along side a little bed from a dollhouse and hanging some christmas lights inside.

"Maybe this will work for you little fairy friend?" The little mushroom girl asked.

The fairy looked up from her palms as she looks at the house. Fluttering down as she peeked in. Then finally walked in. Hopping around joyfully as she pokes her head back out and says: "This is even better than before! Thank you very much!"

The little mushroom girl nodded and went back to skipping.

It didn't take long for her to come across another person in need as she stumbles across dryad.

"Why are you crying?" The little mushroom girl asked.

"My plants are all shriveled from it not raining in days. I worked so hard on this garden, you see." The dryad replies.

"Oh! I can help!" The little mushroom girl says as she takes out a lidded cup of water and gently pours it on the flowers. Causing them to bloom up all big and pretty.

"Oh thank you! My flowers they bloom! Thank you! Thank you!" The dryad said happily before disappearing into the forest.

The little mushroom girl went back to hopping before stumbling across yet another person in need.

A little gnome sat on rock and weeped.

"Why do you cry the little gnome in front of my eyes?" The little mushroom girl said.

"I went looking for food for my family but I found none. We will go hungry." The gnome replied.

The little mushroom girl gasped and grabbed at her mouth." "No! You shall not! I won't allow it!" She said. Pulling down a big leaf from the tree above and putting much of her food into it and finally tying the leaf off.

"No one should hungry. Please take my food." The little mushroom girl said as she handed the gnome her food.

"Thank you! You're ever so kind!" The gnome said joyfully. "We haven't had this much to eat in ages! Bless it be!"

The little gnome would run off joyfully and into a tree house where his wife and newborn welcomed him.

The little mushroom girl went back to skipping. On the way, she feed some fish her food and gave the birds some of her bread crumbs. Then she finally reaches the hill for her picnic, lying down her blanket and opening her basket to find not 3, not 2, but 1 cookie remains. She gave away more food to the gnome and animals than she thought. and she had no water to go with her cookie. And no more coins to buy more as she used them all on the fairy.

Instead of being sad, she was actually quite glad. She was thankful to had helped so any others and ate her cookie joyfully. Making them happy made her happy and that's all she could have ever asked her. No amount of food would be worth more than the happiness she brought those people. And that was good enough for her.
I hope you like my little story! Also fun fact (Not fun) when I was making this, I first put the head on the side, then I fixed that ande made the head, torso, and arms backwards. So there was a lot of fixing. But I think it was worth it! So enjoy! <33

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-=✿ If you get inspired by me, please credit & @ me ✿=-

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08/15/2020 3:29 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Skinner
bianagirlpro's Avatar
nice skin and nice story
08/15/2020 3:55 am
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Kitten
Marma's Avatar
Thank you
08/23/2020 8:37 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Skinner
bianagirlpro's Avatar

PS. u are great
08/11/2020 3:48 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Botanist
Zombiella's Avatar
Cute outfit! ♡
08/11/2020 5:00 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Kitten
Marma's Avatar
Thank you! <33
08/05/2020 7:55 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Skinner
REDACTED_1508's Avatar
Nicely done, Marma!
08/05/2020 9:49 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Kitten
Marma's Avatar
Thank you!
08/05/2020 2:29 pm
Level 46 : Master Magical Girl
ObakeUsagi's Avatar
She's adorable! The outfit and the bow are too cute. <3
08/05/2020 2:47 pm
Level 66 : High Grandmaster Kitten
Marma's Avatar
Thank you! <33
08/05/2020 2:09 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Birb
LugiaGal-'s Avatar
Nice story! and shading!
also just pointing a mistake on the story. :}
*Pulling down a big lead (Leaf) from the tree above and putting much of her food into it and finally tying the leaf off.*
