Natsuki - Doki Doki Literature Club Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Natsuki - Doki Doki Literature Club

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Nayan_Mori's Avatar Nayan_Mori
Level 43 : Master Pixel Painter
So I recently played Doki Doki Literature Club and it is really interesting! If you enjoy horror games, I suggest you check it out!
I got kind of obsessed with this game, so I want to shove it everywhere- and that also means minecraft. Since I couldn't find any other skins of Natsuki, I decided to make one! Feel free to use it!

Alternate "Glitchy" Version Here
Alternate "Smile" Version Here
Alternate "Casual" Version Here

Reference Image(s)
Natsuki - Doki Doki Literature Club Minecraft Skin
J̪̝͓̞̲̝̘us̭̰̥̘̬ͅt̞̳ ̷M̥͖̹̮̣o͉͇̟̻͕̳ṋ̖͉̪̝̮̕i̗̺̜͚̲͔͢k̭͕̮̺̯̗a̳͍͘

CreditTeam Salvato

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11/18/2017 10:04 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
ColderRoom's Avatar
Cool! I doubted anyone would make skins for these characters; I'm glad you did it! Otherwise I might have to make my own, and that would not be a pretty sight...
11/19/2017 7:43 pm
Level 43 : Master Pixel Painter
Nayan_Mori's Avatar
Ah! You are welcome! I plan to do the other two soon if you would want any of those. I also happened to make these skins for the same reason; there weren't any!
