nostalgia // contest entry Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed ROBOTS Minecraft Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

nostalgia // contest entry

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Yeethaw's Avatar Yeethaw
Level 52 : Grandmaster Cowboy
mcu - 01; the original minor care unit created by a loving father for his young daughter


In 21XX, a family in which both parents
had to work decided that they needed someone to care for their young
daughter, as they both had the fear of one day forgetting them at
daycare. The father had sat down one late evening and had begun to
draw out a design of a care unit for his daughter. The end result was
a soft coloured being with pink panels and electromagnetic joints.
This was the 'birth' of M.C.U(Minor Care Unit) - 01.

The next step was taking the sought
after design to an engineer, who greatly appreciated the commission
and had decided to show the idea to her higher ups. After mutual
appreciation and a long list of people to communicate with the idea
of Care Units for children had become a reality, with a few hundred
being created each day. Each individual M.C.U is given a uniquely
coloured plating, never identical to another's, and printed neatly on
their torsos 'MCU-XX', helping identify which and who's it was.

Of course there were several revisions
made over the years, and even centuries. By 22XX the models had
already taken a fully human appearance, albeit the obvious, and
slightly rebranded H.C.U (Human Companionship Unit) - XXX's that
would be tatooed to their necks for identification. Their appearences
became completely customizable, and they had become capable of more
than just care units for children. They had become avalible for those
that wanted companionship, had problems with health and needed to
have someone moniter them, or just because there were people who
liked the idea of.. you know.

Even after all of this however, if
there's one that prefers a cute, and 'vintage' model, the M.C.U's
would still be manufactured, and preferred for children they were.
Even up to 30XX these models are adored by parents and children
alike, and will most likely continue touching the hearts of those
that need an extra hand, or simply those that appreciate the cuter,
more simple things in life.
nostalgia // contest entry Minecraft Skin

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11/18/2018 5:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
b0mbastic's Avatar
I adore this skin! I truly hope you win, as I believe this skin deserves it.
11/12/2018 3:58 pm
Level 48 : Master Elf
Lumilins's Avatar
Beautiful work ^-^
11/12/2018 4:24 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Cowboy
Yeethaw's Avatar
thank you!
min mochi
11/08/2018 3:27 pm
Level 27 : Expert Artist
min mochi's Avatar
11/08/2018 3:31 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Cowboy
Yeethaw's Avatar
idk that's why the shading is so simple
11/08/2018 2:19 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Prince
inactiveaccount444's Avatar
at least i can diamond this one
11/08/2018 2:20 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Cowboy
Yeethaw's Avatar
mood tbh
