A jam converted from a legacy contest
  • Jam Hosts

  • Joined

  • Jam Overview

    Jam is over.
    It ran from November 7, 2018 @ 5:00 pm UTC to November 26, 2018 @ 5:00 pm UTC
    View results

    Basic Summary

    Finalists Jam accepted Skins from participants.
    Accepts only standard resolution skins.

    Read the about for more information.


    Ranked by Judges - Only members of the jam assigned with judging permission can vote.
    Entries can't be updated during the judge phase.
    19 day entry period.

    Rating Criteria

    1. Creativity & Uniqueness
      Rate how original and creative the entry is in its conception.
      Rated 1 to 5
    2. Technique & Execution
      Rate the level of skill demonstrated with the creation of the entry.
      Rated 1 to 10
  • About

    Converted Legacy Event

    This event was converted from our old contest and event system into our new jam format for historic preservation. Some details may be confusing in the new jam context.

    Theme: ROBOTS Minecraft Skin Contest

    Theme chosen by community vote!
    Banner design - Cyprezz

    1. Create a Minecraft Skin for the theme: ROBOTS!

    Robots are everywhere and more are being built by other robots every tick of every tock. Some humanoids are concerned, while others accept our binary processing mechanical overlords. Make a skin that's a robot! What's it's purpose?! You can decide... while you are still permitted to make decisions!

    01101000 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101111 00100000 01101000 01110101 01101101 01100001 01101110

    2. Skins must be new and made for this contest.

    We do not and have never accepted any copies or re-posts in our contests, nor do we accept skins created before the contest's announcement date.

    Do not submit copies, or paint-overs, of default textures from the minecraft.jar - This means no Steve skins, zombie skins, pigman skins, Creeper skins, or Enderman skins are permitted!

    Do not submit copies, or paint-overs, of skins found in any existing texture packs or mods, even if you are the original author.

    Do not submit existing member submissions, from this site or others. This includes your own galleries.

    Give us something new and fresh, please!

    3. Skins must be valid, usable character skins.

    This is a contest for player skins only. Please do not submit mob skins, villager skins, or anything but the format expected for the player model.
    Note that as of 1.8 skins are allowed to have transparencies on the second layer, skins with transparencies on the first layer will be disqualified.

    4. Submit something you made, entirely by yourself.

    Skins that are obvious remixes, recolors, or blatant copies of other people's work are not acceptable. Your entry will be deleted, and you will be disqualified from the contest if you are found to be submitting stolen work.

    Using skin-making tools or apps such is not the same as making a skin yourself. Keep in mind also that, when using those applications, you are copying from a library of 'parts'. Several of those 'parts' were taken from talented skinners without their consent, and as such, skins containing those parts are considered stolen art. Those entries will be disqualified, and deleted from your account.

    5. One entry per person.

    Each user will only be permitted to submit one skin for this contest.

    You may edit your entry for as long as the contest submission period is open. If you decide to change your submission at any point, you are free to do so. However, be warned that deleting your original entry may cause errors and make it impossible for you to re-enter the contest. Instead, you should use the "update submission" button on your active submission, then save the new file over your old one. Remember to change the submission title and description if necessary!

    6. The contest will run for about three weeks.

    Post dates must be made after today's date, November 7th, 2018 @ 12:00 PM EST. The contest will end about two weeks from today, on November 26th, 2018 @ 12:00 PM EST Skins submitted after this date will not be accepted.
    After this time the contest will be put into a review period of three days before we move into the judging stage.

    7. Take your time, and make it fun!

    Give your skin some character! Give them some defining characteristics. Make it unique and awesome!

    We've always scored higher for submissions that include more thought and creativity. Write a bit about the history behind your character and we'll all learn more. Remember, you have two weeks to do this. You don't have to put something up right away. Take your time!

    If you're unsure if your idea will fit with the theme or have any other concerns feel free to contact our list of judges below they should be able to help you, as well as many of the site moderators.

    Do not rush yourself to get something in immediately. This contest is not a random drawing - the submissions are judged by a panel of long-standing members with a great deal of experience in making Minecraft skins. It will not help your chances at winning if you submit anything less than fantastic, so take your time.

    Should you chose to rush, remember that you are able to update your submission as many times as you want before the final close date of November 26th, 2018 @ 12:00 PM EST.


    Submit a skin as you would normally, but check the box indicating that your skin is for the contest.

    1st Place

    • $50 Steam wallet credit!
    • A Contest Themed, Gold, Pixel Art Trophy for Member's Profile Trophy Case.
    • Profile Featured on PMC - 1 Week.

    2nd Place

    • A Contest Themed, Silver, Pixel Art Trophy for Member's Profile Trophy Case.
    • Profile Featured on PMC - 1 Week.

    3rd Place

    • Contest Themed, Bronze, Pixel Art Trophy for Member's Profile Trophy Case.
    • Profile Featured on PMC - 1 Week.

    All Participants

    • A Contest Themed, Pixel Art Badge/Medal for Member's Profile Trophy Case.


    If you do not know how to make skins, or have an idea but have never attempted it before, here are a few things you should know.

    1. Skins must be saved as a .PNG file. No other file format will function properly.

    2. The most popular tools for editing Minecraft Skins are:

    We're biased but must recommend using: PMCSkin3D : Free Advanced Minecraft Skin Editor!

    or MCSkinEdit, an application developed by a user named Swedman. You can download it from the official forum post, here.

    You may wish to use a more advanced editor for certain effects. GIMP and are free applications that will give you access to better tools for editing.

    3. If you need help or want some tips for making nice skins, many of our top skinners have made tutorials outlining the processes and techniques they use for skinning. Check out these ones by Roobus and Leostereo


    Judges will be encouraged to participate, but will be disqualified from winning prizes.
  • Jam Entries

  • Jam Results

    During this jam, 286 entries were submitted between November 7, 2018 @ 5:00 pm UTC and November 26, 2018 @ 5:00 pm UTC.
    336 ratings were given to 48 finalists between November 26, 2018 @ 5:00 pm UTC and December 12, 2018 @ 5:00 pm UTC.
    The average number of ratings per entry was 7.00 and the median was 7.
    • Dookester's Lav0Ratory 🚽 (thank u !!)
      Minecraft Skin
      4.2k 196 18
      osfa 11/26/18 4:27
    • Ranked 1st for overall jam
      with a score of 13.786 out of 15 from 7 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Creativity & Uniqueness1st4.7864.7865
      Technique & Execution2nd9.0009.00010
      Overall Score1st13.78613.78615
    • ℜomto- WelderBot-MK I © (contest).
      Minecraft Skin
      4.4k 420 22
      Romto_ 12/5/18 4:27 • posted 11/15/18 8:10
    • Ranked 2nd for overall jam
      with a score of 13.571 out of 15 from 7 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Creativity & Uniqueness2nd4.4294.4295
      Technique & Execution1st9.1439.14310
      Overall Score2nd13.57113.57115
    • Acid Cleaner Unit 1029 | ROBOTS
      Minecraft Skin
      2.5k 165 6
      MirlO 11/20/18 9:23
    • Ranked 3rd for overall jam
      with a score of 12.643 out of 15 from 7 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Creativity & Uniqueness4th4.2144.2145
      Technique & Execution3rd8.4298.42910
      Overall Score3rd12.64312.64315
    • Cashier-Bot (4th!!)
      Minecraft Skin
      1.1k 65 5
      KingNappa 11/26/18 12:51
    • Ranked 4th for overall jam
      with a score of 12.571 out of 15 from 7 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Creativity & Uniqueness3rd4.2864.2865
      Technique & Execution4th8.2868.28610
      Overall Score4th12.57112.57115
    • Gilbert - Model 1
      Minecraft Skin
      1.2k 118 3
      Tachas 11/26/18 4:24
    • Ranked 5th for overall jam
      with a score of 12.214 out of 15 from 7 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Creativity & Uniqueness6th4.2144.2145
      Technique & Execution7th8.0008.00010
      Overall Score5th12.21412.21415
    • Turbo cleaner bot; packs everythings...(
      Minecraft Skin
      1.7k 115 13
      Aspirin60 11/18/18 6:42
    • Ranked 6th for overall jam
      with a score of 11.929 out of 15 from 7 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Creativity & Uniqueness10th3.9293.9295
      Technique & Execution6th8.0008.00010
      Overall Score6th11.92911.92915
    • Robotrex: The Escaped Dinobot
      Minecraft Skin
      1.8k 64 13
      Jules 11/13/18 4:07
    • Ranked 7th for overall jam
      with a score of 11.929 out of 15 from 7 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Creativity & Uniqueness5th4.2144.2145
      Technique & Execution8th7.7147.71410
      Overall Score7th11.92911.92915
    • Guide me through the darkest times
      Minecraft Skin
      2.4k 186 6
      DragonsDungeon 11/26/18 11:48
    • Ranked 8th for overall jam
      with a score of 11.857 out of 15 from 7 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Creativity & Uniqueness12th3.8573.8575
      Technique & Execution5th8.0008.00010
      Overall Score8th11.85711.85715
    • Missing original content
      No data available.
    • Ranked 9th for overall jam
      with a score of 11.643 out of 15 from 7 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Creativity & Uniqueness11th3.9293.9295
      Technique & Execution9th7.7147.71410
      Overall Score9th11.64311.64315
    • B33Pb00p II
      Minecraft Skin
      1.4k 86 24
      DinowCookie 11/25/18 9:54
    • Ranked 10th for overall jam
      with a score of 11.571 out of 15 from 7 ratings.

      CriteriaRankedScore*Raw ScoreMax
      Creativity & Uniqueness9th4.0004.0005
      Technique & Execution10th7.5717.57110
      Overall Score10th11.57111.57115
