Nuage Étonnant- "The Sky Guardian" [72nd place- Above the Clouds] Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Above the Clouds Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

Nuage Étonnant- "The Sky Guardian" [72nd place- Above the Clouds]

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Crafty's Avatar Crafty
Level 53 : Grandmaster Network
Hey everyone, this is my entry to the Above the Clouds Skin Contest. I've been excited for this contest for a long time, so making this skin was very fun for me. (Though there are 9 different save files from editing). I spent a TON of time on it and I hope you like it, and if you do, please diamond! It helps me get into the finalists. (Which I want to do). Anyways, here comes the story!
P.S. the name means amazing cloud in English but that sounds really lame

Nuage Étonnant- "The Sky Guardian"
Many inventions in mankind have been worthless to humans. Like the stapler, for example. I mean, can't you just glue or tape two pieces of paper together? The chair is incredibly stupid, too. Just sit on a box or something. The list an go on and on. However, there was only one invention that proved to work, and wasn't so idiotic. In fact, this invention saved thousands of human lives. That invention was me.
In 1895 French inventor Jean de Hautefeuille, cunning and brilliant yet timid and unnoticed created me in his small little basement in France. My purpose? No idea. He was rambling on about "saving the world," and "protecting mankind." Whatever. He came down the basement steps at 2:00 every day and worked on me, knocking out the little imperfections until I was perfect to him. One day, he stopped. At 2, he didn't come down the basement steps. Same as the next day. In fact, I heard nothing. No cars were whirring by, no noisy pedestrians talking and drinking coffee on the busy streets. A week passed by. Then a month. Jean never came down. And no one did for 376 years.
"H-hello? Is anyone there?" I jolted up from my sleep and gazed at the stranger who entered my small little corner of the world. "Oh my God... you must be..." His voice trailed off. "The Guardian! Oh man, I'm gonna be rich! I finally found it! I- oh wait, hi there. wow, you're beautiful." I don't know if I blushed or not, but it felt like it. "Can you talk? That'd be awesome! Jean never told us about anything the bot can do, so I guess I can find out..." the boy rambled on. "I can talk," I humbly replied. He jumped, looking incredibly surprised. "Oh wow, you can! I've gotta tell everyone about you! You're the only one that can save us!" I had no idea what he was talking about. "I have to get you outside. Oh yeah... you have no idea what the world is like. I guess I have to show you." I had to agree. I was clueless, and apparently I could save the world. He led me to the exit of my home, and took my hand outside. What I saw next was beyone my belief.
My home in France was destroyed. Ever building I saw was dilapidated. There was no grass in sight, and the trees that were still living had crooked branches and brown leaves. The coffee shop that Jean brought coffee that smellled so good every day was gone, ruins taking it's place. "What happened?" I stammered, shaking in fear. "He was right," the boy said. "I'll tell you about it. About 376 years ago, Jean de Hautefeuille, your inventor, was all over T.V. He was ranting on about how the world was going to end. He said some terrible disease was going to wipe out humanity for good. Every sane person on Earth thought he was crazy. Jean went insane, and he killed himself in his house right before it all happened." I gasped. "J-Jean died?" "I'm afraid so. Little did he know that he was right about the disease or whatever. 2 weeks later half the population of Earth suddenly died. Everyone on Earth has this disease, and you're just waiting until it finally kills you. It went on through the years, and eventually, I was born. My mom had told me about everything that had happened." "That must be terrible..." I said, shocked. "Yeah. But, Jean said something about 'The Guardian'. He described it with a crystal-coloured dress, grey hair, exactly like you. He said it could save us. everyone was searching for you, thinking about the peace you could bring to the world with your powers." "What powers?" I wondered. "But now, I finally found you. And I'll be famous! We can restore peace to Earth! I just need to press right here, and..." He pressed around me, trying to find something on my body I didn't know existed. "Hey!" I spoke out, uncomfortable. He then pressed a button on the back of my head. A wierd sensation spread across my back, and he finally spoke. "Wow... it's..." He trailed off. "What? WHat are you looking at?" I questioned. He then pointed up, and I looked. Huge, gorgeous wings were on my back, ready to fly. "Woooooooow...." I said in awe. "Now we have to do this," he said. He hopped on my back. "The only way to restore Earth peace is to live in the clouds, a place where the disease can't affect us," The guy said. "Jean said it would work. Once you start flying towards the clouds, mankind will be lifted up until we reach the destination. We can then live in peace..." He started looking up towards the sky.
I know what I had to do. Even though I didn't know this guy for long, I had to trust him to save Earth. I flapped my wings once. We were lifted off the ground, just a tiny bit. I did it again. This time, we were about 4 feet off the ground. I did it repeadily, and fast. We were lifing off. All of a sudden, I saw people getting lifited up towards the sky all around. They were cheering. "Someone found it!" "The Guardian is saving us!" "Humans will live!" I kept going. We were so close, I could feel it. We then entered the clouds. I could stand. People were getting on their feet and running towards me. We were saved, by me. It felt great. Everyone was hugging me and talking to me. I felt like a hero. Humanity will survive, we just need to regroup and get everything in order. And I know this sounds cheesy, but we lived on with happy lives, living in the clouds, forever. How do I know? Because that was the story of me, Nuage Étonnant- "The Sky Guardian."

Basically a guy in France made a robot and it was pretty and it's the skin and he called it "The Guardian" and he had visions of it saving the world and he worked on her every day and then suddenly he stopped and she heard nothing for a long time and then some guy named Jake found her and he was talking about how she could save the world and she was like what so Jake showed her outside and it was all messed up and there was no one anywhere and 98% of the opulation of the Earth was dead cause there's a disease going on and the only way safe is in the clouds above and Jake showed Nuage (The Guardian) how she could fly and teleport mankind to the sky because Jean (Guy who invented Nuage) talked about how he gave a speech to the world about how everyone was gonna die and Nuage is our only hope for survival and people must find her when the world goes to crap and then he died the next day no one knows how and then Nuage is shocked but then flies everyone up in the air and she and Jake are like bffls and they live happily ever after in the clouds. (By the way the Jake's name was never mentioned in the story)

Holy crap!!! Okay, that story took a LONG time to make. Seriously. But if you liked it, leave a diamond, like I said before! Also, comments of critisism are very much appreciated!

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08/27/2014 12:37 am
Level 52 : Grandmaster Witch
Ukiyo_E's Avatar
hehe im diamond 6- *SLAP* SHUT UP ALREADY
07/30/2014 1:14 pm
Level 33 : Artisan uwu
Ashfur4ever's Avatar
*Claps* i cant write happy storys for the life of me >.<
07/30/2014 1:19 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Network
Crafty's Avatar
haha thanks
07/30/2014 1:10 pm
Level 33 : Artisan uwu
Ashfur4ever's Avatar
07/30/2014 1:19 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Network
Crafty's Avatar
Soup Child
07/15/2014 12:33 am
Level 31 : Artisan uwu
Soup Child's Avatar
I'm serioulsy amazed of this skin! The legs.. my mind is blown! I think you deserve to win this contest!!
07/15/2014 12:36 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Network
Crafty's Avatar
aw thank you so much! although that probably won't happen xD
Soup Child
07/15/2014 12:41 am
Level 31 : Artisan uwu
Soup Child's Avatar
If i could figure out how to vote.. I'd vote for this XD
07/15/2014 12:42 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Network
Crafty's Avatar
haha, theres no voting its up to the judges
Soup Child
07/15/2014 12:46 am
Level 31 : Artisan uwu
Soup Child's Avatar
Darn, well I put your stamp up on my page thing, so more people can support you :D
07/15/2014 12:46 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Network
Crafty's Avatar
oh thank you!! c:
