Pidge Gunderson (Voltron) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Pidge Gunderson (Voltron)

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Level 24 : Expert Skinner
Hey there!

A few weeks ago, I took a few days to binge-watch Voltron: Legendary Defender... AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT! (Besides some of the missing context & continuity, as well as a few plot holes)

Anywho, Pidge has to be the character that has had the most character development, as well as the most fleshed out character, which is why Pidge is so massively praised in my eyes. It was because of that which I started considering making Pidge into a
skin, until I recently bought a Voltron print at a convention, where I somehow felt compelled enough to finally make it, so here it is!
I'd like to say that this is the best skin I've personally made, which I'm very happy with the outcome I've conceived. There is, however, a slight issue if you're using the skin in 1.8 with the semi-transparent pixels I used for Pidge's glasses... But I have to be honest, it doesn't look too bad in 1.8 (Reference pictures to this below)

Anyways, feedback is always appreciated! Diamonds would be quite nice too!

Version differences in the glasses
Pidge Gunderson (Voltron) Minecraft Skin

Pidge Gunderson (Voltron) Minecraft Skin
Pidge is great
Pidge Gunderson (Voltron) Minecraft Skin

Please do not steal or repost this skin, tyvm!
CreditThe designers from Dreamworks who conceptualized Pidge's design ofc

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