since fnaf world is coming out in 1 day I'm going to recount the whole story of fnaf 1-4 cause i just figured it all out hear me now Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

since fnaf world is coming out in 1 day I'm going to recount the whole story of fnaf 1-4 cause i just figured it all out hear me now

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Level 59 : Grandmaster Turtle
so in fnaf 1 you play as freddy fazbear who must battle the evil mechazords that are trying to capture you and cook you into a pizza (homemade) eventually by watching the idiot box long enough you realize  that you are actually in the matrix and there are five evil children that control the mechazords so you have to buy fnaf 2 in order for scott to make enough money to bail you out

in fnaf 2 you play as freddy fazbear's son freddy FAZEbear and you must get to solving all the mysteries of this mysterious game (oh gameplay we forgot about that yeah) this time you are up against the evil mechazords except toy story has come back for revenge and you are forced to battle against 10029983838 evil mechazords and they all have gravity hammers wtf also there's toy chica eventually you learn that your battle isn't in vain for there is a heroic man called purple guy who constantly battles all the evil mechazods while you aren't milking scott's cow in the end you play as fritz smith who we will talk about later in this timeline

in fanf 3 there IS ONLY ONE ANIMATRONIC NOW SAY WHAAAAT nooo that is the evil demonic bunny from donnie darko who has come back for revenge with his evil army of sock puppets you play as freddy FAZEbears granddaughter chica the duck who is trapped in a circus of murder and doom she must fight back against the evil demonic bunny and try to figure out the meaning of donnie darko but she fails to do so and is thus never seen again

in fnaf 4 you play as a minecraft and the demonic bunny has created an evil army of demonic mechazords that are all trying to kill you but then sc00t says screw story so none of the timeline is true wrap it up bois  eventually you find out that you are a zombie because your brain was bitten off by a bear then suddenly you wake up and you realize it was all a dream directed by yours truly

in fnaf world sc00t finally has enough money to create models of all the demonic androids and purchase the united states while he's at it and in this game you play as sc00t's son who is trying to find water as he's been drinking nothing but smilk for the past few months but suddenly YOU STUMBLE UPON FNAF WORLD TWO ELECTRIC BOOGALOO

actually guys its all just a dream sorry boys shows over

listen if anyone disagrees with me they can state it in the comments but if you think im wrong then consider ur comment deleted! also check out my new foxy x chica fanfic

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Omega The 24th
02/23/2018 4:16 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Skinner
*Sees title*

Oh, I'm guessing that this is some kind of joke then, because this is a skin upload.

*Sees description*


*See's last line: "also check out my new foxy x chica fanfic"

O K A Y T H E N , T H I S P E R S O N W A S N ' T J O K I N G

This person unironically created a blog-type post using a skin upload, and even tried to promote a fanfic. O K A Y .
03/15/2018 4:08 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Turtle
*Sees notification*

Wait, isn't this post two years old? This must be some sort of retroactive joke.

*Sees comment*


*Sees last line*

Apparently you're too blind to see past any sort of irony on the internet without an /s tag. If your teenage condescension doesn't give it away, i t 's t h e f a c t t h a t y o u t y p e l i k e t h i s, and also probably that you used the word "unironically". Is this a joke?
Omega The 24th
03/26/2018 6:36 am
Level 16 : Journeyman Skinner
I'm only blind to irony because this is Minecraft. A game renowned for the retarded parts of the fandom, and the fact that people start making stuff related to other fandoms within it.

I'm also blind to irony in this case because I have never seen such purposeful irony being done in such detail and effort, especially on a Minecraft fan website.

Let's just forget that I was blind to the joke. Here's a diamond and fave to hopefully compensate for my retardation.
03/28/2018 9:45 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Turtle
Naw man it's all good. I wasn't in the best mood when I replied to your comment so I was pretty heavy on the snark, sorry 'bout that.
05/02/2016 5:31 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Network
nice colors
05/02/2016 5:32 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Turtle
Woah this is old, but thanks ye
10/01/2016 1:20 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Loremaster
now its even older
The Curdler
09/27/2015 5:13 pm
Level 40 : Master Spider Rider
The statement below is false.

The statement above is true.

09/30/2015 3:00 pm
Level 59 : Grandmaster Turtle
uh huh
The Curdler
09/27/2015 5:07 pm
Level 40 : Master Spider Rider
-pazzez le amasin powah of quikscops to le nubtergonistas-
