Slaanesh Chaos Space Marine Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Slaanesh Chaos Space Marine

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striderhd82's Avatar striderhd82
Level 14 : Journeyman Explorer
Here is finally a high-quality Slaanesh chaos space marine skin for our tentacle loving players who want to show off their superhuman purple marines! After spending an hour trying to find a good skin that fit my own modded Minecraft playthrough as a Slaanesh chaos space marine who got stranded upon a new world. I was disappointed with the lack of love with our Dark Prince of pleasure, and so, I made this skin for us Slaanesh worshipping heretics :D ENJJJOOOYYYYY

Inspiration: A Slaanesh noise marine with his sonic cannon
Slaanesh Chaos Space Marine Minecraft Skin
CreditI want to thank the dark prince of Slaanesh for giving me the vision of creating this skin. TENTICALS FOR LIFE WHOOT WHOOT

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