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DragonHeart_'s Avatar DragonHeart_
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
Would someone please explain?
I have no clue what this even is.


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07/28/2016 5:19 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Natural_Wonder's Avatar
SO CUTE I LOVE IT! How Did You Do The Hair?
09/10/2015 11:29 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
xXChirpyXx's Avatar
There is always going to be someone out there who is going to try and bring you down. I used to get bullied constantly back when I went through middleschool. Back then there were some pretty hard things happening in my life and the bullying I recieved was just a cherry topper on my doodie cake of life. So I understand what you're going through. Wanna know how I got through it? One day I just got fed up and decided to make it my life goal to not be like those people. I wasn't going to bully because it was "funny" or because it was the "cool thing to do" or any of that balaoney. I try my hardest to be caring and kind to others, no matter their history, their appearance, or personality. Every person should be different. Never the same. You have your own amazing idenity that no one else in this huge world has. If you want to improve something about yourself then do it! As long as it's something YOU want. Not because someone suggested it or said it would make you cooler. Be yourself. You should only be worried about what you want and not what others think. I know it's easy to compare yourself to others but what's the point in that? If every person was like the other then it would be quite dull in life. There would be no diversity and no one would think for themselves. I'm sure you are an amazing person! So try and accept who you are truly, because there is no one person who could every be you. And about the friends thing the people who befriend you online are just as real as others around you. They care about you as much as a friend who went to school with you would. My closest friend is  a girl I met online almost six years ago! And she is very precious to me even though we don't live in the same state. So you're not alone even if no one is there to hug you right then, but one day you'll get that hug from one of your friends across the world. Someone cares about you deeply. c:

So keep your head up! Everything will heal in time. And never look down on yourself.

First time I tried to write this my tablet died when I was nearly done. I was like "oh heck nah!" and got on my desktop to write this to you <3 Take care dear and have an amazing day. :3
09/10/2015 10:40 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Cookie
oh_wow333's Avatar
whoah that's long
09/10/2015 5:13 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
DragonHeart_'s Avatar
Aahh i didn't think anyone would care, but thank you Senpai <3<3<3
09/10/2015 8:15 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
xXChirpyXx's Avatar
Of course :3 <3
09/10/2015 8:28 am
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Ickyskymaze's Avatar
Aww, I hope things get better! I have felt like that too, worthless, unwanted, and sad. I have the same problem: Comparing. I do it all the time! I compare so much, sometimes I don't want to go places. I am only resently starting to get out of the hole that I fell so deep into. Just keep looking forward, if you need to, turn 'haters gonna hate' super loud when you get home from school! 
Think about what you do have!

Isaiah 41:10
"Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."
09/10/2015 5:14 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
DragonHeart_'s Avatar
Thank for the advice IckySkyMaze~Senpai >0<
09/10/2015 7:54 pm
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Ickyskymaze's Avatar
No problem~  ;D
09/11/2015 2:13 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Dragonborn
DragonHeart_'s Avatar
And I thought I was the only christian on pmc >.< XDDDDD <3<3<3
09/11/2015 8:08 am
Level 47 : Master Button Pusher
Ickyskymaze's Avatar
I thought that for a while too! But then I noticed that there was other people who are christian. <33
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