GSX-401FW - StarGazer Gundam Minecraft Skin

This Skin is an entry in the completed Deep Space Minecraft Skin Contest.

Minecraft Skins

GSX-401FW - StarGazer Gundam

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KiraX's Avatar KiraX
Level 53 : Grandmaster Robot

The GSX-401FW Stargazer GUNDAM -

A civilian developed mobile suit designed to explore the regions of space beyond Mars's orbit. To accomplish this task the mobile suit is designed with two unique features.

First, because of the vast reaches of space, the speed of light limit, and the limited space of a cockpit, it is impossible for a human pilot to complete the Stargazer's deep space exploration mission. For this reason, the Stargazer's two-seater cockpit is of modular design that can be replaced with an advanced A.I (artificial intelligence) computer that would control the mobile suit. The A.I. itself is a learning computer that uses inputted pilot data to learn proper piloting behavior. This data is acquired from human pilots piloting the Stargazer. To bring out its maximum potential the A.I. requires piloting data that adds up to ten-thousand hours.

The second important feature is its Voiture Lumiere propulsion system. Stargazer's version of the Voiture Lumiere is designed specifically for interplanetary propulsion, it works by catching solar wind on a curtain of light generated by the ring on its back and converts its energy into a strong light pressure which is then used as thrust. Alternatively, the system can also convert energy from a power beam fired from an external source instead of solar wind to propel the suit. When in use, the system causes interruption to the spatial structure of the surroundings. The ability of the Stargazer to deflect and capture incoming beam shots to create a field of shootable beam cutters during the battle with Phantom Pain is likely to an unintended side effect of this spatial structure interruption. The back-mounted ring structure also serves as a movable thruster, it can be separated and move according to the suit's need, granting the Stargazer exceptional mobility.


GSX-401FW - StarGazer Gundam Minecraft Skin

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