Thom-293 aka: noble 6(not B-312) Minecraft Skin
Minecraft Skins

Thom-293 aka: noble 6(not B-312)

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Noble_Blaze6's Avatar Noble_Blaze6
Level 37 : Artisan Ranger
not going to lie to you... thom was in a live action ad to support halo : reach he was the original noble 6 until he died he was suposed to play a bigger role in the game but almost ultimalty cut from the game all that was left was the line from carter "i am not going to lie to you lieutenant you stepping into shoes the rest of the squad would rather lead unfilled.. me i am happy that noble team is up to full strenght."Thom-293 aka: noble 6(not B-312) Minecraft SkinThom-293 aka: noble 6(not B-312) Minecraft Skina consept of what the face would of looked like

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