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alternative materials
alternative materials is a texture pack that changes materials.
with materials, I mean things you get from ores.
available for java and bedrock!
I have tried to do a kind of classic look for it, like how you would imagine the form of a diamond in real life.
Again, I tried to do a rather classic look. the emerald is on the side and has a bigger bit that sticks out of it.
golden ingot, nugget
I matched the colors with the gold block and made it a little shinier. the nugget did not get shiny, because there was not enough room for many details.
Three coal bits merged together. the color matches the coal block, it is also rather green than purple, so it would match the coal ore, which is a little green.
raw copper
I made the raw copper texture have the oxidized parts spread around it, instead of having it in one specific place.
netherite scrap
I wanted the netherite scrap to look like a piece of the ancient debris.
I tried to make it look like real life quartz, by having a quartz piece that have quartz crystals grow out of it.
I have drawn inspiration from real lapis lazuli to create a texture to be a closer mach to the typical patterns you tend to see on real lapis lazuli.
I did not do too much to iron, but I made it a little bit shiny and have a little more colour variety.
raw iron
In this pack, raw iron is two small pieces, instead of one very big and one very small.
I made the redstone more of a round shape.
alternative materials is a texture pack that changes materials.
with materials, I mean things you get from ores.
available for java and bedrock!
I have tried to do a kind of classic look for it, like how you would imagine the form of a diamond in real life.
Again, I tried to do a rather classic look. the emerald is on the side and has a bigger bit that sticks out of it.
golden ingot, nugget
I matched the colors with the gold block and made it a little shinier. the nugget did not get shiny, because there was not enough room for many details.
Three coal bits merged together. the color matches the coal block, it is also rather green than purple, so it would match the coal ore, which is a little green.
raw copper
I made the raw copper texture have the oxidized parts spread around it, instead of having it in one specific place.
netherite scrap
I wanted the netherite scrap to look like a piece of the ancient debris.
I tried to make it look like real life quartz, by having a quartz piece that have quartz crystals grow out of it.
I have drawn inspiration from real lapis lazuli to create a texture to be a closer mach to the typical patterns you tend to see on real lapis lazuli.
I did not do too much to iron, but I made it a little bit shiny and have a little more colour variety.
raw iron
In this pack, raw iron is two small pieces, instead of one very big and one very small.
I made the redstone more of a round shape.
Progress | 100% complete |
Game Version | Minecraft 1.21 |
Resolution | 16x |
Tags |
8 Update Logs
Update #8 : by eism 12/02/2023 10:06:05 amDec 2nd, 2023
changed lapis lazuli texture along with the enchantment table GUI
updated for 1.20.2
updated for 1.20.2
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this might happen, but I have had no plans to do this yet. Mojang might change some textures, and if I think that I can change it to a better texture, I will try!
I'm sure that this is annoying, but what program do you use to create your texture packs?
to make my textures I like to use paint 3D. it is free and is pretty easy to get used to!