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Hellon everbody! I really love minecraft. But I hate the default textures. So In downloaded tons of texturepack over some weeks. But there was none, nwhich was "perfect" for
me. Sometimes it was just one Block or Item i didn't liked, nut that's already too much. So I decided to create my own HD-Pack.
First of all: This is not a compliation Pack. It's mostly done by me, corrently using some Placeolders from the LB-Photo Realism x128, but they will be replaced in the next update.
This Pack uses a high amout of pixels per Block, so you should follow the instructions in this video to allow Java more memory. (Takes 10 Seconds on WINDOWS, but fixes the out of memory crashes!)
Will you make it ... pixels?
- Generally not. But maybe, if you ask really nice....
Can I use one of your Textures?
- If you ask in the comments or via PM, yes.
One of my Textures is used in your Pack but I'm not listed in the credits folder!
- Oh, sorry, please PM me, and I'll add you with the next update!
You broke my game!!!!!!! Minecraft crashes when I select the texturepack!!!!
- Did you use the MCpatcher? All mods comptiable with HD-Packs?
Every texture is ONE PIXEL off!
- Yes, that bug was present in the very first version of this Pack. Just try to redwonload the Pack and it should be fixed :D
This pack is s**t! I voted down!!!
- I have no problem with that, but please post what ou don't like, so that I can fix(or add)it :D And please don't forget to post what you like :-)
nv1.0 ~ 1.8.1 http://dl.dropbox.com/u/45774174/1.8%20%5BANCIENT%5D.zip
nAnd now please comment waht you think, thumbs up and maybe subscribe to my YouTube Channel:
German Let's Plays & More!
Progress | 40% complete |
Game Version | Minecraft 1.8 beta |
Resolution | 128x |
Tags |
6 Update Logs
Update #6 : by little-psycho 10/22/2011 11:37:41 amOct 22nd, 2011
Added one more Question to the FAQ
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Sorry, try this link :D