Minecraft Texture Packs / Experimental Packs

Ancient Equip pack (PC: Incomplete)

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RavensQuote's Avatar RavensQuote
Level 19 : Journeyman Blacksmith

Sorry guys, must've taken the pack down by accident cleaning my dropbox out or something. I'll get a working version up when I can.


Blast Mojang and their accursed overhyped community of awe-inspiring builders.... I'm updating the pack in prep for 1.17.

Q: When should I expect the update/the pack to be working again.
A: I'd like to have the old gal up on the day of APRIL 1ST, 2021. There's a lot of work to do and I'm one guy working on this with a non-minecraft day job, so progress across Minecraft's hundreds of blocks and mind boggling number of items are gonna take me considerable time to slog through.

Q: Will anything new be added?
A: Of course! -WHAT- will be added though? That I have only a ghost of an idea of, though I assume at least some 1.17 stuff will make it in.

Q: Will old textures be changed/overhauled?
A: To an extent, yes and no. Most blocks are just gonna get moved from old to new without changing texture much, but I'd like to add to the list of blocks with multiple textures. Y'know how lillypads face different directions, but if you place them in the same spot over and over they never face someplace else? I can do the same thing with block textures. Place a crafting table on Y30/Z50/X258 and it might be made of oak, place it one block higher/lower/left/right/ahead/behind though, and it might be made out of anything.

Now for the big one.

!!!!!!!!!! What is the Ancient Equip pack? !!!!!!!!!!

Originally developed just to modify weapons and armor, the Ancient Equip pack got its start on Pocket Edition and is in the process of being converted to PC. It now includes textures for most blocks you'll ever encounter, all the armor you could wear, all tools, and my personal favorite block.... the stonecutter.
The pack has three general ideas behind it.

1.) "ANCIENT": You will find that most assets are designed with a medieval feel in mind. The tools are rusted, the blocks are molded over, even the nether has been aged to a corroded green with darker toned lava.

2.) Balance: A lot of 16x16 packs look just a bit too blocky and pixelated, while 32x32s seem to be covered in thin lines with too many curves for a game made of cubes. The Ancient Equip pack uses 16x16 textures with heavy airbrushing to give a smooth look to the environment WITHOUT losing that classic Minecraft feel. Texture not added yet? No problem. The default textures of any given block will still fit right in with the pack, the only big exceptions being dirt and rock textures (which thankfully I've already added).

3.) A hidden story. The Ancient Equip pack has, ever since moving to PC, always aimed to hide some lore in the places you rarely look, almost giving the feel of a modded game without needing Forge. As the pack isn't up yet, I'll go ahead and tell you some places high and low you should look. Some of these hints may disappear from this Planet Minecraft page once the pack gets relaunched!
-> Wooden swords will be but one of several types of tools with hidden lore on them. Complete your collection of every tool from every material if you wish to seek out all their secrets!
-> Chiseled blocks have always hidden one story or another. Collect them all!
-> Ore blocks are definitely something to check, particularly when placed together.
-> You might want a couple max level maps of different areas that are explored as little as possible. Who said they had to be blank?
-> I can write in journals too (Don't worry, I'll keep your writing legible).
-> Not certain, but I *might* hide something in sponges. Maybe. Probably..... Yeah, I think I've got an idea.
-> Face a certain way, see a certain time of day. Keep an eye on your compass and clock!

Anyhow, that's all you need to know for the moment. I'll keep y'all updated as I get closer to to rerelease!
CreditBMWman1029BimmerBest (Bow textures when drawing bow, Google Plus): Derps Waffles (Diamond sword, Google Plus): PixelartProjects (Slime/skeleton/pigmen textures, Google Plus)
Progress0% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.16.5

3 Update Logs

Update #4 : by RavensQuote 07/18/2017 12:52:57 amJul 18th, 2017

My apologies for the long wait guys. This update adds:
->Diorite is retextured and renamed (now marble if you go into options/language and select "ancient speak")
->Andesite is now retextured and renamed (now limestone)
->Redstone is now redrock (because why not?)
->Revamped GUIs for crafting table, furnace, and anvils.
->Randomized textures for cobble and grass
->Bedrock retextured
->Journal now shows what ore blocks provide different views of the hidden temple design
->Pocket Edition folder has been lost, IDK where to find it so consider it removed (my bad)
->End credit story is now SIGNIFICANTLY shorter (Future update will trade current short version for something more lore focused, but still not the tedious book that is Minecraft's default. XD)

Notes for future updates: I intend to start adding some more detailed lore into the pack for you to find, using a combination of textures from blocks that require game progression to get, the "Ancient Speak" language option, and differnt GUI elements. These portions of the lore are not YET implemented (outside chiseled stone/sandstone/quartz/red sandstone), but are soon to come.

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12/18/2018 5:50 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Blacksmith
RavensQuote's Avatar
New update in progress!
Arrival date: TBA (Need internet at the new house first).
New items: Updated story blocks (banishing ambiguity), new mobs, and FINALLY getting around to those long awaited items. Also more lore if you're willing to look for it.
Just moved out so getting more time to work.
07/20/2017 10:50 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
Martnut33's Avatar
This looks so cool!! I want to use it when it's done.
07/21/2017 1:18 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Blacksmith
RavensQuote's Avatar
"Done" with this pack is like the end of the rainbow. I'm always finding new stuff I can do with it that absolutely blows my freaking mind so I'm always, ALWAYS updating the pack. Mark my words you'll never hear me say this pack is complete. If I were you I'd consider the pack usable as soon as the last block and the last GUI are complete. Mobs are way low priority tbh with all the stuff I'm frantically running around adding to it or updating all the time, and items will have to come first. Speaking of items....
0_0 There's so many of them...
As a 16x16 pack built with keeping Minecraft's normal feel in mind, even what isn't textured doesn't stick out with the exception of exactly one block which because I brought it up I promise will be fixed in the next update (end portal blocks. I have end stone I have purr purr, I got the freakin' mosaics from last update, not end portal blocks. Go figure. *facepalm*). That's not to say End portals are the last block I need to texture, as a matter of fact leaves, grass, wool, and.... I'm sure there's something else I'm forget-CHORUS PLANTS aren't yet textured either, but again those don't stick out like end portal blocks do.
07/21/2017 11:28 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Skinner
Martnut33's Avatar
I'll consider it done when the progress bar says 100% Complete.
07/19/2017 5:12 pm
Level 27 : Expert Waffle
Entity675's Avatar
the diamond sword or melon
07/21/2017 1:19 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Blacksmith
RavensQuote's Avatar
Your wish is my command, diamond sword and all manner of food.
07/23/2017 7:41 pm
Level 27 : Expert Waffle
Entity675's Avatar
07/18/2017 3:18 pm
Level 27 : Expert Waffle
Entity675's Avatar
cool can u make items cooler
07/19/2017 9:45 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Blacksmith
RavensQuote's Avatar
It'll take a long time to get all of them, but updating items shouldn't pose any trouble. What would you like textured first?
07/18/2017 12:32 am
Level 19 : Journeyman Blacksmith
RavensQuote's Avatar
This is the point where I crack my knuckles. Ladies and gentlement, I'm back, and I'm updating the pack. Now let's do this.
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