• check_circle Armor
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  • 163,797 views, 2 today
  • 44,806 downloads, 0 today
runesmite14's Avatar runesmite14
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
Thanks to Ball Lightning for the creation of the texturepack cinematic
feel free to check out his youtube channel and see more his work!

-Scroll Down-
Important Information! :D


The Texture Pack is medieval themed, I know there are many out there, but this isn't your average medieval pack. A lot of packs concentrate too hard on one area, which can turn some people away. For example, a very ornate texture pack looks very nice, but can turn away pixel painters, or those who wish to stay true to Minecraft roots.

That's where CastleCraft comes in. CastleCraft's textures aren't rebranded defaults, but they aren't from outer space either. You can go up to a block and know what you're looking at. Also, wools and other colorful blocks have subtle enhancements to cater to both the medieval designer and the pixel painter.

I have been working on this pack for quite some time now and have learned a lot in the process. I hope you enjoy using it as much as I have enjoyed making it.


Dear CastleCraft Resource Pack Users!

CastleCraft 2.0 Has been released! Check the update log for all the new additions!

I am very close to the release of what I have dubbed: CastleCraft 2.0! This revamp not only will start the pack on it's own course (rather than naming updates after the Minecraft Version) But it will include the biggest update to date, with completely new, hand drawn lava textures (which is killing me) and the textures needed to update the pack to 1.7.9 which I'm sure you've all been waiting for! And; improvements and tile fixes to the current textures.

Keep watching this page for more updates, and soon the official release of CastleCraft 2.0!

News Section:
I am closing in on the end of the 16x Texture pack. A 32x is coming soon! Keep an eye out for a link and PMC submission!

What I'm Working On - CastleCraft 2.0!

Most work is now being aimed towards individual items, mobs (possibly random
mobs), and making sure all terrain textures fit together.

Read this:
This pack has HD features like water. Also the larger moon phases, to get the new water, and avoid large white squares in place of your moon, please patch your minecraft client.
(^Click to download the latest MCpatcher)
(*this is no longer relevant to new clients)

Updated to Minecraft 1.7.9 | Latest Snapshot: Official Release
Texture Pack Version: CastleCraft 2.0a

Pack Website and Blog: www.castlecrafttextures.webs.com

  • Lava is on the here! Consider this the "Beta" version, tell me what you think!
  • Mobs
  • Armour is done: I want to add chain mail, and I feel as though armor can still go with improvement. Though at the moment, all 4 main armor types are done!

Updates happen frequently!

Out of school, but I still have a job to work around. So I'll do my best to keep this as up to date as possible. Thanks for your support!

Supporting This Pack

If you'd like to help this pack get noticed, here is a some forum banner you can put in your signature, or wear around your neck! (Or put it anywhere else someone might see it :) )


Thank you for supporting!

I'd also like to thank everyone for downloading this pack, and providing feedback, it means a lot.


By using this pack you agree to the following:
  1. This pack is for your use, NOT your modification.
  2. If you would like to change some textures for personal use, you may do so, but you will not be allowed to upload it,
  3. I do not want my textures being used as templates. The only true template you'd need is the classic pack.
Enjoy. :)

It's hard to believe the Pack has come this far, I want to send A Big Thank You to all those who have contributed, downloaded, commented, diamonded, or anything else to further encourage work on this pack.

I have added an Adf.ly link for those of you who wish to support my efforts on this pack. Thank you to all those who have downloaded.
(^ you can click this)

Additional Notes

I'm constantly working on this pack, but I also have to take time off, so if there are periods of inactivity, check back. I don't plan on quitting this pack now, I have had too much positive feedback.

Updated to the latest Snapshot

  • Gimp (Mainly for water and lava animations)
  • Paint.Net (So far so great!)
  • Also started using Paril's 1.4 beta for MCSkin3D (Mobs) Try it out, it's an awesome skinning program! (Do it. You know you want to.) And if it doesn't work, don't blame me... Blame Paril.
  • Meh brain!
CreditSpecial Thanks to Ball Lightning for the texture pack video, and Paril for making some of the tools essential to my work.
Progress90% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.9

30 Update Logs

Update #30 : by runesmite14 08/06/2014 12:40:16 amAug 6th, 2014

Major Changes:

I have decided to change the pack's version. Instead of matching it's version to the version of Minecraft I used to make it. I will now be using a standalone system. To fit with this. This update Marks CastleCraft 2.0.
  1. Stained Glass
    •  All of them!

  2. iron bars
  3. Added Acacia log textures
    •  Bark
    •  Heart

  4. Fixed Super tall grass texture
  5. Lava (Revamped, it no longer looks like cheese!)
    • still and flowing

  6. Redid the carved stone bricks
  7. Added Pixelmon Support!
    • Bauxite Ore
    • Fossil
    • Waterstone ore

  8. Brightened up the Stone to match the cobblestone and stone bricks better.

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11/27/2017 4:22 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Skinner
TheTrueRealx's Avatar
May i use this in my animation? If you do not reply then i will use such shown pack.
01/28/2018 11:02 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
runesmite14's Avatar
You are welcome to use this in your animation. I'd appreciate if you could credit me for the resource pack.
08/17/2017 11:08 am
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
stephanpina-sixcraft's Avatar
07/21/2016 10:56 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Explorer
qq1301692703's Avatar
Hi runesmite14)! I'm an editor of China.
I've found your new project


. It's really a nice job.
Therefore I'm here to ask if I could repost your project to our website MCBBS:www.mcbbs.net/forum.php.
However, due to the fact that our country has blocked a lot of foreign websites.
So could you allow us create a new Chinese downlink.
I will list your name and the original website clearly.
04/20/2015 9:26 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Origami_Spinax's Avatar
One really cool texture pack runesmite14, could you update when you get the chance, thanks.
01/10/2015 4:55 am
Level 13 : Journeyman Architect
funtr's Avatar
Really cool texturepack! the picture's look very nice!!! Keep up the good work
01/18/2015 1:16 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
runesmite14's Avatar
07/02/2014 8:38 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
Kontayes's Avatar
by far the best pack iv been looking for for a long time thank you
07/03/2014 3:25 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pixel Painter
runesmite14's Avatar
Great to hear, Thanks! I have a fairly large update planned for it too; Should be up in the next few days!
07/03/2014 5:07 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Miner
Kontayes's Avatar
that is absolutly amazing you can sure expect me to be all over it.
