Minecraft Texture Packs / Themed Packs

Nintendo Pack 1.6.2 Resource Pack

  • check_circle Armor
  • check_circle Art
  • check_circle Environment
  • check_circle Font
  • check_circle GUI
  • check_circle Items
  • check_circle Misc
  • check_circle Mobs
  • check_circle Particles
  • check_circle Terrain
  • 28,677 views, 5 today
  • 3,163 downloads, 0 today
  • 30
  • 16
  • 38
NintendoOutlet's Avatar NintendoOutlet
Level 35 : Artisan Pokémon
Hello there, People of Minecraf t, and More than likely by you reading this now, Nintendo Fans!
Nintendo Outlet here, Bringing you My First Resource pack ever (And I Suppose texture pack as well,as i attempted a texture pack back in January of 2013, but it was abandoned and never published) the name of the pack i have been doing my best with my CoProducer massivive within the last month or so is none other than the

Nintendo Pack!

Nintendo Pack: What is it?
When Minecraft 1.6 Was first released, Iwas trying out the new resource pack that would go perfect with the Legend of Zelda server that he plays on. Of Course his first Option was to Get the Majora's Craft pack made by koa_neuva, however, the Pack has yet to update to 1.6 as Koa_neuva Has had more important things to do. As i mentioned before, InJanuaryof 2013 i had attempted to Make a Texture pack, also a Nintendo theme. Back then i had contacted Koa_neuva about Possibly borrowing about 4 textures from Majora's Craft (Ibelievethey were wither skin, Moon series, water, and diamond armor set) I had asked to borrow these textures but then around the server I played mypeershad lost Interest and eventually I gave up on it. Recently i have been trying to make a server (If i can ever afford that expensive hosting, i will post the IP) and When 1.6 was released, My CoProducer Massivive sugested we revive the old Pack and make it into a resource pack, and Have it set as the "server pack" For when we finaly set it up

Okay... But what is it?
Well for one, this is Obviously a Resource pack. Sounds, Music, text files, textures, mob skins (Eventually) andprettymuch anything theresourcepack allows to be changed will at some point in time be edited and changed. The first couple textures we Added were borrowed, a few from some packs that hasn't been touched since 1.4 or even 1.2.5, and then we borrowed the Lava texture from Blaziken584's Wind waker pack (I used to play on a server he went to, however the Lava texture May be changed eventually anyway and is currently noted as a place holder) the Packs Audio is 100% from us (Unless other packs decide to use the same song, but we used our own sources of Itunes and such for it :P) And, as i mentioned before kinda, Mob Skins Will be Added later as well. The Resource pack Resolutes to 64x64 Bit For Our Block textures. The item (like swords) Textures Resolute to 128x128 bit (We Didn't like how big the pixels are in items in 64bit when in your hand, so we are putting more effort into the items)

Well, So far it sounds decent-
before You download, I may have you know that all the Pack Creators, Borrowed texture credit, Copy Rights terms etc can be found withing the assets.minecraft.text.credits.txt file in the pack, otherwise known as the second half of the messages that scroll on your screen after you entered the second end portal a defeated ender dragon spawns. We did this not only to make use of the file, But to save up room here on this site. If a Moderator/Admin Must contact me of Demanding Direct Information, All you guys will have to do is PM me (Please don't take down this pack) I also Included a section in the same file, regarding if one of the people who we borrowed the textures from requests that they do NOT want a texture we may have borrowed of theirs how they may contact me quickest.

Additional Notes

Additonal Notes for the Nintendo Pack include:

-Disc 11, that plays several 8-bit themes from Nintendo Masterpieces, Is a Place holder.
We are Currently Working on a Much More Well Put Song that is fully custom, Please be patient for this update, and we will make a Major Post Here informing of this

-If you were wondering about why i am not on the same account i had contacted Koa on in January it is that it was so long since i have been on PMC, and i forgot both me username and password X/ (D'oh)

-As far as my textures go, They are all free to use and i do not care one bit about Credit (As long as you don't just practically forward my pack but call it your own

Comming Next Release:
- Iron Armor Set will be complete

- Log Textures Will Blend Better and have less blur

- "Minecraft logo will be edited" (Ready for update!)

- Water Texture will be Started and possibly Finished

- Sword Textures Will fit in your hand better as Currently in F5 mode your character grasps the Blades not the handles.

-Default font Will be added for the main 52 Characters of thealphabet, the Upper case 26, and the lowercase 26

-Default Player skin will be added

*Strikethough text has been moved to a later update

We're off to a Great start!
I never would have thought i'd have reached
downloads in
4 Days!
Thanks Everyone for all the Support! Now that we know this is a possible Popular resource pack, I am Pleased to Announced that the Pack's Development team is going to Present to you a VERY special thing in the pack, as of now, i can't say much about it, because in the words of the Moblin in the cave: its a secret to everybody.

I will tell you, if its not done by 1,200 Downloads, I will share some of the info With you. Stay tuned and Subscribe to NintendoOutlet For more information!
Creditmassivive- My Pack CoProducer, as well as the rest of the Nintendo Pack team :)
Progress10% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.6.2

1 Update Logs

Release 2- Changes Made : by NintendoOutlet 08/15/2013 8:51:03 pmAug 15th, 2013

Hey guys! Nintendo Outlet here with the packs first update! woohoo! Its not much but, hey!
First, Here is a list of Changes Made:

- When You Scrolled on a button, a Light-blue line would appear over it. This Has been fixed by Smoothing out buttons all together to beginwith

-Iron Armour (Helmet only) Has had a texture change, It now bears the Varia suit Helmet

-Some Splashes were added

- The first half of the Credits has had a few new facts

Complete List of Finished* Textures,
* There are other textures provided than what on this list, but they will be edited more in later updates
Stonebrick(Normal,Mossy,Cracked), Cobblestone (All), Ores (all), Snow, Dirt, Grass, Stone, Endstone, Iron Block, Logs (Spruce Is the only finished version), wool, item frame

panoramas, mojang

Iron Helmet, Bow (All 4 stages), Arrow (Item, not entity), Nether star, Spawn Egg,

Enchantment Animation, Unknown Pack, pack.png

Iron Helmet

theNintengeek's Portrait, Monita

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06/02/2019 2:26 am
Level 43 : Master Pokémon
ThePsychoEspeon's Avatar
carrots need to be pikmin
11/02/2013 5:17 pm
Level 43 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
MouseWithAMotive's Avatar
10/25/2013 1:25 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Explorer
voidhellokitty's Avatar
this is worth the wait
09/26/2013 10:04 pm
Level 43 : Master Mlem Mlem Bat
MouseWithAMotive's Avatar
Ehhhhhhh when is Vortex gonna be done already?
09/08/2013 6:04 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Explorer
TruelyJ64's Avatar
Looks good, keep it up! Diamond!
Da Creepa11
09/02/2013 4:45 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Creeper
Da Creepa11's Avatar
08/31/2013 1:58 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Multus_Valde's Avatar
how do i install and download it?
09/03/2013 5:45 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Pokémon
NintendoOutlet's Avatar
As of this update, i acidently made the file a WinRAR, just download that Extract the first file you see and place it in your resourcepacks foulder
08/19/2013 7:44 pm
Level 24 : Expert Architect
DJZAwesomeness's Avatar
Hurry up and get this thing done. I only get stuff that is 100% complete.
08/19/2013 9:08 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Pokémon
NintendoOutlet's Avatar
This could be as late as an entire year from now i hope you're aware
