Minecraft Texture Packs / Other Packs

Real Waving Grass Texture Pack

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Bedrock Edition
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Ghast Rider
Real Waving Grass Update YouTube Video

If you have ever seen shaders for java Minecraft, then you know how realistic and beautiful the grass is waving there. I wanted to create something similar but for Minecraft Bedrock edition. I upscaled the textures to 512x512 and they still look the same as before at 16x16. And thanks to the fact that I increased the
resolution of the textures, I managed to make such a smooth and beautiful animation.

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My goal is to make Minecraft better, fix all the mistakes and shortcomings of the developers, add something new to Minecraft and improve the old. I hope you will help me financially so that I can continue to make mods and texture packs for you.
BGRD 2.0 [Render Dragon support] for BE/PE 1.18.3+ Minecraft Texture Pack
BGRD 2.0 [Render Dragon support] for BE/PE 1.18.3+ Minecraft Texture Pack

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BGRD 2.0 [Render Dragon support] for BE/PE 1.18.3+ Minecraft Texture Pack
Thanks for download this Texture Pack!😃
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft Bedrock

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05/16/2024 11:27 am
Level 40 : Master Miner
It’s a pity that starting with 1.20 and 1.21 in minecraft bedrock edition, due to the addition of a new graphics engine render dragon and new graphic shader functions for mobile Android devices, the code functionality for creating third-party fan-made shaders similar to those in java with the ability to create a wind of plants stopped working in the game itself. and the water waves are not like in the GIF format, no, but as in the java version, namely in the format (random wind physics in a random order with any random second of acceleration and deceleration of the speed of turning and turning in any direction) this applies to both (foliage with grass) and and (to water and under water) I repeat once again not in the GIF format of the animation of the png texture of the grass and water, but as with the help of a specifically written code on the game engine itself, as at the level of java shaders, namely such as sildur's enhanced default or seus shaders or a vanilla shader, those who played in java with shaders will understand what exactly is missing in the render dragon engine code right now for minecraft bedrock edition mobile on version and higher including 1.22 and 1.23, etc. other future versions of the game.

I’ll say right away that this applies only to the mobile and Windows versions of minecraft bedrock for the render dragon engine in terms of creating third-party wind and water waves as on the java edition - PC and not as a GIF, once again I will say not as a GIF but as physics using the game code itself written in the game engine itself as in the java edition.
05/16/2024 11:27 am
Level 40 : Master Miner
Жаль что начиная с 1.20 и 1.21 в minecraft bedrock edition из за добавления нового графического движка render dragon и новых графических функций шейдера для мобильных андроид устройств в самой игре перестал работать кодовый функционал по созданию стороних фанатских шейдеров на подобие как на java с возможностью создания ветера растений и волны воды не как в гиф формате нет а как в java версии а именно в формате (рандомной физики ветра в случайном порядке с любой рандомной сикундой разгона и замедления скорости поворота и разворота в любую сторону) это относится как к (листве с травой) так и (к воде и под водой) ещё раз повторюсь не в как формате гиф анимации самой png текстуры травы и воды нет а как с помощью определённо прописаного кода на движке самой игры как на уровне java шейдерах а именно таких как sildur’s enhanced default или seus шейдеры или vanilla шейдер те кто играл на java с шейдерами тот поймёт меня о том что именно в коде движка render dragon не хватает прямо сейчас для minecraft bedrock edition mobile на версии и выше включая 1.22 и 1.23 тд прочие будущие версии игры.

Сразу скажу это относится только к мобильной и виндоус версии minecraft bedrock для движка render dragon в плане создания стороннего ветра и волн воды как на java edition - пк а не как гиф ещё раз скажу не как gif а как физику с помощью самого кода игры написанный на движке самой игры как на java edition.
03/22/2024 1:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Is this 1.20 if not please add i like this pack very much
08/07/2022 3:18 am
Level 1 : New Collective
Can you make a java edition?
08/07/2022 9:26 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Ghast Rider
Why if there are shaders for java Minecraft in which this is implemented much better?
05/16/2024 11:27 am
Level 40 : Master Miner
It’s a pity that starting with 1.20 and 1.21 in minecraft bedrock edition, due to the addition of a new graphics engine render dragon and new graphic shader functions for mobile Android devices, the code functionality for creating third-party fan-made shaders similar to those in java with the ability to create a wind of plants stopped working in the game itself. and the water waves are not like in the GIF format, no, but as in the java version, namely in the format (random wind physics in a random order with any random second of acceleration and deceleration of the speed of turning and turning in any direction) this applies to both (foliage with grass) and and (to water and under water) I repeat once again not in the GIF format of the animation of the png texture of the grass and water, but as with the help of a specifically written code on the game engine itself, as at the level of java shaders, namely such as sildur's enhanced default or seus shaders or a vanilla shader, those who played in java with shaders will understand what exactly is missing in the render dragon engine code right now for minecraft bedrock edition mobile on version and higher including 1.22 and 1.23, etc. other future versions of the game.

I’ll say right away that this applies only to the mobile and Windows versions of minecraft bedrock for the render dragon engine in terms of creating third-party wind and water waves as on the java edition - PC and not as a GIF, once again I will say not as a GIF but as physics using the game code itself written in the game engine itself as in the java edition.
08/03/2022 11:53 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
This is cool but would this make my game laggy?
08/04/2022 7:42 am
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Ghast Rider
Yes, this can affect performance to some extent, but Minecraft is unlikely to lag much because of this.
08/04/2022 10:31 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Dragon
Ok. I was.just wondering because I play on mobile and it is patty sometimes and I don't want to influence the lag
