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Simply Skyblock
Version 1.10.0
Skyblock, made simple
I made this pack with simplicity in mind. I've seen a couple Skyblock packs, but I could never find one that I totally liked - so I made my own. I used some of the shapes from Faithful, because I wanted the texture pack to play along with that one fluidly, but otherwise drew each texture entirely myself.
I welcome and appreciate constructive criticism, so feel free to give me ideas to improve!
If you're interested in a few more animated items, check out the slightly-more-animated version of this pack!
Animated Skyblock
What's Included
Almost every armor set, sword, and bow is textured. I left out Silver Fang, since a ghast tear suits that weapon well enough on its own. Other than that, I've included just about everything.
I also textured the newer farming tools, such as crop-specific hoes and axes. I textured accessories that use items instead of skulls as well (like experience artifact).
I've also drawn in a lot of materials, such as griffin's feather, shark teeth, slayer drops, and several others. Additionally, enchanted books each have their own texture.
Dragons also each have their own texture which corresponds to their type. I may explore more mob textures down the road.
Important Notices!
1) This texture pack was made specifically for Hypixel's Skyblock Gamemode, and will not make a lot of changes outside of that.
2) The pack requires Optifine in order to work properly.
Version 1.10.0
Skyblock, made simple
I made this pack with simplicity in mind. I've seen a couple Skyblock packs, but I could never find one that I totally liked - so I made my own. I used some of the shapes from Faithful, because I wanted the texture pack to play along with that one fluidly, but otherwise drew each texture entirely myself.
I welcome and appreciate constructive criticism, so feel free to give me ideas to improve!
If you're interested in a few more animated items, check out the slightly-more-animated version of this pack!
Animated Skyblock
What's Included
Almost every armor set, sword, and bow is textured. I left out Silver Fang, since a ghast tear suits that weapon well enough on its own. Other than that, I've included just about everything.
I also textured the newer farming tools, such as crop-specific hoes and axes. I textured accessories that use items instead of skulls as well (like experience artifact).
I've also drawn in a lot of materials, such as griffin's feather, shark teeth, slayer drops, and several others. Additionally, enchanted books each have their own texture.
Dragons also each have their own texture which corresponds to their type. I may explore more mob textures down the road.
Important Notices!
1) This texture pack was made specifically for Hypixel's Skyblock Gamemode, and will not make a lot of changes outside of that.
2) The pack requires Optifine in order to work properly.
Credit | Several melons helped encourage me to put this up when I kept denying that it was adequate. |
Progress | 95% complete |
Game Version | Minecraft 1.8.9 |
Resolution | 32x |
Tags |
14 Update Logs
[September 5] Version 1.10.0 - Enderman Slayer Update I : by Recat013 09/05/2021 11:58:08 amSep 5th, 2021
I'm back! But actually not really. I got on Skyblock in July and saw all sorts of new things, and decided I may as well texture some of them. I actually had the entire contents of this update done by July 7th, but forgot to actually post it. Anyway, this is the first pass of the enderman slayer update.
I don't know how often I'll be posting updates, to be honest. My iron man profile has definitely hit a wall and I'm not too sure how to get past it, real life has ramped up a little bit, and all my friends left Skyblock shortly after I did. I still enjoy texturing though, so there's that.
+ Added Null Sphere
+ Added Null Ovoid
+ Added Null Edge
+ Added Null Blade
+ Added Juju Shortbow
+ Added Terminator
+ Added All 4 Katanas (Voidedge - Atomsplit)
+ Added Final Destination Armor
I don't know how often I'll be posting updates, to be honest. My iron man profile has definitely hit a wall and I'm not too sure how to get past it, real life has ramped up a little bit, and all my friends left Skyblock shortly after I did. I still enjoy texturing though, so there's that.
+ Added Null Sphere
+ Added Null Ovoid
+ Added Null Edge
+ Added Null Blade
+ Added Juju Shortbow
+ Added Terminator
+ Added All 4 Katanas (Voidedge - Atomsplit)
+ Added Final Destination Armor
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I'm still very busy, so I can't guarantee an exact time I'll be able to push a full update. For now, here's the Aspect of the Void (still frame). Lightning not included in final product.
That's usually why I don't play Skyblock anymore, the weird things it allows you to do + the fact that the anticheat is sensitive enough to not detect if something serverside is causing issues or something clientside is causing issues, as well as the fact that skyblock is way to grind-heavy and sweaty to be fun to be honest. (Plus the fact that I only have about 1.3m, gave my original 6.5m to a friend for free)