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Published Aug 18th, 2012, 8/18/12 8:28 pm
- 31,581 views, 0 today
- 8,169 downloads, 0 today
Basically this is a revamp of my old texture pack Herocraft, If you see textures in this that are the same as the previous edition of my pack (trust me most of them aren't) do not fret as this was meant to be a next install. I'm not trying to view whore because this pack's theme is totally different from Herocraft (as this actually has a theme). Even IF you don't download PLEASE GIVE IT A DIAMOND... ^-^ plz... Props to Beavertank who kindly let people use and remix his textures. I borrowed the glowstone because i luv it O,_.O
[EDIT[ I've added new pictures now, I accidentally double uploaded this and the less popular one that was deleted has the image files... SOWWY
Please use my adfly link, it generates me an extremely low amount of money ( 44cents from 201 views) but I would really like it if you did... :) I would for you...
1.0 The first upload version
1.1 Replaced horrifying Mossy Cobble block, tweaked furnaces and altered stone bricks to fit more with the texture pack's feel.
1.2 Replace the furnace (previously modern oven) and dispenser (previously modern fridge) with medieval minecraft themed items. They both take inspiration from the original textures but have been revamped with my own.
1.3 Chests have been made medieval
1.4 Soul sand has finally been re-textured, the nether is finally done.
[In Progress]
I hope to add new menu buttons to continue the medieval theme over to the menu, as of now there is a medieval village panorama but the buttons were simply stand ins until I could get nicer ones.
You may use any texture you have seen in another texture pack uploaded before this one as you may wish, aslong as the original author is credited (see add. credit)
[EDIT[ I've added new pictures now, I accidentally double uploaded this and the less popular one that was deleted has the image files... SOWWY
Please use my adfly link, it generates me an extremely low amount of money ( 44cents from 201 views) but I would really like it if you did... :) I would for you...
1.0 The first upload version
1.1 Replaced horrifying Mossy Cobble block, tweaked furnaces and altered stone bricks to fit more with the texture pack's feel.
1.2 Replace the furnace (previously modern oven) and dispenser (previously modern fridge) with medieval minecraft themed items. They both take inspiration from the original textures but have been revamped with my own.
1.3 Chests have been made medieval
1.4 Soul sand has finally been re-textured, the nether is finally done.
[In Progress]
I hope to add new menu buttons to continue the medieval theme over to the menu, as of now there is a medieval village panorama but the buttons were simply stand ins until I could get nicer ones.
You may use any texture you have seen in another texture pack uploaded before this one as you may wish, aslong as the original author is credited (see add. credit)
Credit | Props to Beavertank for letting me use 2 of his textures, and also to the Painterly Pack and Coterie craft. |
Progress | 100% complete |
Game Version | Minecraft 1.3.1 |
Resolution | 16x |
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lovit anyway.