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10 Helpful F3 Keyboard Shortcut!

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Flaxcon4397's Avatar Flaxcon4397
Level 43 : Master Loremaster
First things first, don't expect much from me because my dad updated to Windows 10 and still hasn't gotten Minecraft on it. But, look on the bright side! He's probly gonna get Windows 10 Beta on the computer so there might be a blog on that! Back to the why you clicked on this blog. I give credit to LogDotZip for showing me these tips. His youtube channel will be at the bottem.

1. F3+A is Chunk Reload! Ever have that time chunks just wouldn't load and you fell off the end of the world? I know you have, now you know what to do!

2. F3+B show's hitbox! You know those ANNOYING villagers. Just can't find were to press to trade. Or maybe you want to know were a mob is looking, Press some buttons and that's solved!

3. F3+D clears chat! Someone doesn't know how to speak and says a bad word. Don't look at fowl stuff, look at the keyboard and press the clearing combo!

4. F3+H is the most helpful! You should always have it on to show you how much durability your helment or pick has left! (Works with anything that has durability.)

5. F3+T reloads textures! Let's say your playing Minecraft when your texture pack is updated. Reload the texture and it's solved!

6. F3+S reloads sound and custom models on servers! Every play Block Party on The Hive and music not playing? Ethier your a dunce and forgot to turn on computer sounds or you just gotta reload it!

7. F3+Shift debug info! Probly useless but it's something.

8. F3+P is pretty cool. Let's say you playing Minecraft and you need to look something up. Don't want to press Esc cuz it will pause the game. Press F3+P to fix all that!

9. F3+N only avalible in 1.9 Snaps. Switches between creative and spectator! Easiest way to get through a wall, decorate the inside, and get out like nothing happened.

10. F3+C is the most usless thing. Thought to be for the develpers of Minecraft, Holding F3+C for about 10 seconds will CRASH your Minecraft. Lol.

Hope this was helpful and I give full credit to LogDotZip and click here to watch it! Hope this help! Give a like, a diamond, maybe even a faverote and don't forget to thank Mojang for the awesome creation called Minecraft! Wait creeper! Stay out of there! Thats my che... nvm. Well I gotta reoganize my chest. See ya later.

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