Published Dec 4th, 2012, 12/4/12 6:34 am
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What is MineCraft missing?
I think that MineCraft is missing something, I'm not sure what it is but I think it mite be the the lack of Items, I think that MineCraft sould have all the following items:
1.Rubies (for tools and armor, better than diamond, as rare as emerald)
2.chain (used to carft chain-male armor) crafted with 2 iron next-to each other
3.Netherite (an ore in the Nether for tools and armor, as good as diamond)
4.Enderite (an ore in the end, can only be harvested with Netherite or Rubie tools, used for the Ender staff which can teleport you without getting hurt but has a damage bar)
5.Emerald tools and armor (I mean why not)
and now for the food section:
1.Lamb (because then there is a better use for sheep)
2.bacon (just because) crafted with 2 pork next-to each other
3.Sushi (because it's my favorite food and tastes really nice, refills 4 hunger like in my Samurai mod) crafted with sugar cane ether side of a fish and seeds underneath the fish
Redstone related Items:
1.Wireless redstone beacon (used to send a wireless redstone current to a surtane place) *&*
&$& * = redsotne torch &= repeaters $= iron block
2.industrial piston (can push up to 20 block and can push obsidian) *
& &= piston
& *=obsiadian
and that's it for all the items I would like in MineCraft, thanks for reading :D
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